Wednesday, September 29, 2010
How Much Are Amazon Tree Boas/
the first volume of Zombie Nation!
My contributions to the cause are shameful, apricots and nasty! Yeah!
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Friday, September 10, 2010
How Long Risperidone Takes
budget to public education in City and Nation.
for the urgent building improvements, that threaten the lives of all who live in those places.
For buildings themselves.
orders are the same for years, we know very well.
Yes, crazy, the range is extremely political Sheet What else? Art is always political . There is the autonomy of art (thank goodness). And on top (thankfully) no Arrrte here. So I'll stick with the cartoons and politics.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Ikea Lots Mirror Removes Paint
- 13:00 Recepción and control of signatures of the participants and guests at the camp site known as Rock Gorda (! Eye are in the field, there is no type of installation).
- 15:30 Concentration and talk (what we now call "breefing)
- 16:00 Start of heats in the usual format, 10-way, one speed + 2 blocks, two trials for each route, then you must wait your turn again if you want to try it again if you make no attempts hopes you will, make way a hearing will take bonus.
- Final 20:30 the playoffs.
- 21:30 Dinner atypical for tod @ sl @ s participants, l @ s companions who want to participate in the tasting of these juicy mangares have to make your reservation for.
- Ratings end the day.
- From the time this here is probably not appropriate to the activity, so we prefer to just tell you what anger going on.
- Without concrete and unconfirmed, possible accompanying concert
- Quiz "Revival of the 80 " contestants (can be any of attendees either be competitive or not, without distinction age) is climbing equipment put their 80's, and we explain that this compound and a small and brief historical review of this, throw enthusiasm and imagination and so spend a good time, and also to the winner a prize of a good ¿¿¿... AAAAHHH ..????.
- Video projection of the first comps Valcorchero, where you'll find some of the ways you have done.
- typical night game by the Company of the North Mountain Guide de Extremadura "
- xx: xx Rest.
- 8:30 Breakfast Coffee / neskuik with churritos.
- 9:30 Concentration competitors and talk
- 10:00 Beginning of the end (report format is at the moment)
- 14:00 Approx. completion.
- 15:00 Approx. Ratings and awards, and if you can that drawing that tod @ s hope.
Note: The organizers reserve the right to modify any of these times if they so wish.
http://xxvcompetició (Tlfno.contacto 927 411 987 Emilio)
THUS provided by our organizational work.