Saturday, November 29, 2008

Osterizer Imperial Blender

arithmetic calculations of the rest: "suspect" and "kettle"

I have always believed that all countries are similar. But I think most notably Brazil and Mexico have a great similarity. Both have indigenous roots, were conquered by Europeans, are the two most developed economies, the growing levels of poverty and crime is similar and their cultures have many similar characteristics.
few days ago while sailing in a Brazilian forum, find my idea of \u200b\u200bthe similarity between one country and another. In this forum there was talk of Brazilian politics in this country and other areas of their culture. The truth is I was in Portugal that Paris Hilton knows what chastity, but oh holy internet!, If Paris made her the diva porn elite, because I was not going to get out of this small trouble.

Among many themes, one of them was just Lula da Silva, the current president, who for them is quite a character. Read them talking about that if Lula was a populist, that if a man of humble origin, that if I buy a plane called the "Lulaavion" and who according to irony of flying fears and other things like that.

But what caught my attention most of the forum was a term used by Brazilians : Something like the "kettle of lula " no, do not worry I'm no sap, that in healthy Portuguese and translated into our language means "The Lula Pearl" which is something like "The most stupid phrases Lula."

To give you idea of \u200b\u200bwhat I speak, these are some of the "kettle"

  • " I would have studied Latin, so I could communicate better with the peoples of Latin America " Brasília, 2003 ( Nobody said that Latinos speak Castilian ( English or not to enter into controversy) and the Latin is a dead language ).

  • "A large majority of our imports come from outside the country" Brasília, 2003 ( Let me guess bet your make exports from the interior of their country ).

  • "It is not pollution that's harming the environment.'s The impurities in the air and water that are doing this." Cuba, 2005 ( Greenpeace would be very grateful for his contribution and discovery certainly )

The truth that I found very funny. Just type in google "the reeling basins Lula" and will result in an extensive catalog of its "kettle."

Finally, one day before I had finished reading the "Dialogues of Plato, could only exclaim, reflectively a to the hell!. That seems "sospechosistamente" family. As good Mexican I could not get back and immediately reminded our political sublime.

forget Santiago Creel and his contributions to the English Royal Academy or our intellectual and honorary Nausea "ex-president Vicente Fox and why they, our famous politicians also deserve as nothing but the Brazilians! here are our "kettle" with chile and tequila:

Santiago Creel

  • " I invite you to leave behind the culture ... the suspect " (really look" suspect "in the dictionary and not found, it will be still What will be evaluating the Royal English Academy)

Vicente Fox

  • "Comes and go" (To Fidel Castro out of the way to Bush in a meeting to coincide)
  • "No doubt that Mexicans are doing jobs that not even blacks want to do " (Referring to Mexican immigrants)
  • "Latin America must escape the 'perfect dictatorship', as he said Nobel laureate Mario Vargas Llosa Literature" (Does not Peru's Vargas Llosa and has never won the Nobel? Maybe you wanted to say Gabriel Garcia Marquez?)
  • "Everyone has a washing machine at home on two legs" (Referring to Mexican women)
  • "Good not know to read, so do not you find out the news. " (Is that why we're in last place lus global education?)

Porfirio Díaz

  • "Poor Mexico, so far from God and so close to the United States" (Frase has arrebasado our borders, was the first thing I said was Brazilian when asked what they knew about Mexico)

Andres Manuel Obrador

  • " is a plot against me" and "I As Jesus was also persecuted and spied" (What if beatified?)

Roberto Madrazo

  • "To think that women are washing machines. Women are not washing although it may seem." (Referring to Mexican women)

Salinas de Gortari

  • "Fellow citizens, Mexico is already a first world country"
  • "Ni I see them or hear them. " (Probably because of the lack of ears did not hear us)

Do you judge even hesitate no similarity? ...

Posted by: The Pirate Becquer

Navy Eod Mortality Rate

XLS: Protecting and unprotecting sheets and books.

There are methods to achieve protect or unprotect a sheet, book or even a specific cell or cells in Excel. Dedicate this input to know the procedures necessary to achieve it. I'm sure after reading this article will seem ridiculous power to do so.
To develop this theme need to divide it as follows:

  • Protect sheet
  • protect a book.
  • Protect specific cells, leaving a sheet unlocked.

Check out a file when it is forgotten, lost or do not have the password:

  • Procedure "Manual": ie, with a little luck and poor results.
  • Using external software: Using a small and simple to use, no complicated software, or search licenses.


a) To protect a sheet. To protect an entire sheet should follow the following steps:
1 .- Go to Tools Menu
2 .- Go to Submenu Protect
3 .- Go to to Protect Sheet and click

4 .- Now in the window with the title "Protect Sheet"

4A) We will make sure that the options are selected: Select cells locked and unlocked cells selected.

4B) Once verified the previous step write the password. MS (Microsoft) Excel allows you to create your password without restrictions. You can use alpha-numeric characters or any symbol or combination of both.
4C) already entered your password, MS Excel will be required to confirm it, so you should write again. The next step will only to accept or OK and ready your blade will have been protected.
At the end of MS Excel only allows you to scroll your cursor cells, but no way allow you to edit.

Unlock sheet (knowing your password.)

The procedure to unblock a road is exactly the same as the block:

1 .- Go Menu tools
2 .- Go to submenu Protect
3 .- Check Sheet
4 .- enter the password and ready

** If you forget the password you're welcome to continue reading this article to find the solution.

b) To protect a book. The process for protecting a book is exactly the same to protect a sheet. The only difference is that you only need to select the menu book and then will protect the password. The check out process is also equal to check out a sheet.
c) To protect a sheet leaving desbloquedas specific cells.

Making a brief pause and a further comment I would point out that we can protect a cell or multiple cells simultaneously in a sheet, however, it is possible to protect a cell or multiple cells on multiple sheets at once.

Before discussing this subject, I would like to make an example of where we can apply this event. The exercise that I suggest in this case is a record format where the idea is that a user can enter data in green cells (see image below) and can not make any changes to other cells, so they do not destroy our format.

At the moment we do not care to load the data into a database, or program the information captured, since it is not the end of this entry .

Specifically, the cells in which information is captured in this example are:

C5, C7, E7, C9, and C11 E9: E11. Note that the green cells of rows 7, 9 and 11 are combined.

Once created our example and without further ado, we proceed with our case:

Step 1 .- Select the cell you are going to leave unlocked. If we want to have several unlocked cells in different positioned himself as our example, then keep down the CTRL key (Ctrl) while selecting with the cursor going cells. Once we made our selection and our cells release CTRL to stay on a fixed and static selection.

Step 2. The next step (for this our cells should continue selected) is to go to Format menu> Cells> Protect> Unlocked.

This process prior (before protecting the cells) will help ensure that all cells are unlocked, otherwise our process does not work. If your book or sheet and with other sheets or locked cells are not made by you, do not worry, at the end when locking their cells all returned to normal compared to what was already previously blocked.

recap, then, the process of this step is as follows:

1 .- Go to menu Format

2 .- Cells

3 .- Go to the tab Protect

4 .- Now we'll make sure the box Unlocked is disabled.

Step 3 .- These are the final steps of our process:

Now follow the normal procedure to check out a sheet in the first three steps.
1 .- Go to menu Tools

2 .- Go to submenu Protect

3 .- Go to to Protect Sheet and click 4 .- Now in the window with the title "Protect Sheet"

4A) We will ensure that the selected option only unlocked cells select and deselect the option select locked cells. 4B) Once verified the previous step write the password. MS (Microsoft) Excel allows you to create your password without restrictions, you can use alpha-numeric characters or any symbol or combination of both.

4C) already entered your password, MS Excel will be required to confirm the password, which you must enter it again. The next step is just to accept or OK and ready your blade is unlocked bloqeuada to specific cells.

At the end of MS Excel only allows you to insert data into the leaves you frame and unlocked and in no way allow you to edit a user.

Unlock a sheet with specific cells desloqueadas (knowing the password)

The procedure to unblock a specific sheet with unlocked cells :

1 .- Go Menu

tools 2 .- Go to submenu Protect

3 .- Check Sheet

4 .- enter the password and go.


Procedure "Manual" .- This procedure is a simple, but crude and limiting. Specifically, the limitations of this process is that only applies to unlock whole sheet protection, but not in checking out books or cells. Another limitation is that when the file contains formulas or check out additional tools (drawing, forms, etc.) get lost in the process.

The process is as follows:

Step 1.

1 .- Choose the button " overall pick (as shown in the picture below).

2 .- Go to Edit menu

3 .- Copy Go to Step 2.

1 .- Now open a new sheet or a new book .

2 .- Go to Edit menu

3 .- Copy Go to and ready.

The approximate result will be similar to the picture below. As mentioned initially visible disadvantage is the loss of data in the process. The picture below shows a before and after the result .

Using external software .- To solve this issue we will forget about the super programs like Excel Password Recovery and tedious search of his license. The solution we offer is simple but effective implementation is a VBA (Visual Basic) to disable macros in MS Excel, allowing us to check out our entire sheet or workbook cell.

I also want to clarify that this application does not reveal the password a sheet or file, just help us check the file. I'll leave it as an ethical issue and each individual's personal use of this application.

Step 1 .- Download the software.

1 .- Login to page

2 .- Download the file password.xla. My suggestion is to select store, that way we keep the file and avoid downloading pregnant again and again in the future.

Step 2 .-

1 .- Now open the book, page or cell (s) you want to unlock. Then we are going to double click on the file password.xla .
2 .- Once executed, the file will open a window, as shown in the picture below. We will only accept .

3 .- The penultimate step is to:

3A) Go to Tools menu. Once you open the Tools menu are presented with the option unprotect sheet and unprotect workbook . If not I suggest you watch it extend the full menu tools, and the above options paarcen above until the end.

3B) Select the desired option:

  • Unprotect Sheet (Check Sheet)
  • Unprotect Workbook (Check Book)

4 .- The final step is to accept . After this, I can assure you that your records remain completely unprotected.

must warn you one of the drawbacks of this application is that all books checked out or leaves that have open at the time, and temporarily remain virtually unprotected, which does not mean that has ruined the rest of the files. To close each of the files and reopen them all back to normal.

My recommendation is that once you unlock the file you want to check out, reset a new password. When you save the changes that will save the new password change.

really hope this chapter will have been useful and I hope to "see" in an upcoming entry.

Posted by: Julio Rosales V.