Friday, November 27, 2009

How Long Until Test Positive For Syphilis

The Piojera, a true story that I remember very well. You know, click on the image if you want to read it.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Wordpress Comments Carbon Steel Knives

cartoons A PEN ATTACK!

pencil cartoons Attack! Remember the attack quick sketch? Of course, prefer to forget it forever Is not that nice? But is maaaal! Now it comes the cartoons in pencil! They can not with this! The weakness of the above open mouth is confirmed! They attack the cartoons in pencil and you! TU are you ready? chunnnnnnnnnnnnnn chuunnnn

Nexavar 200 Sorafenib

This man is watching cartoons shells fall in pencil and is horrified ... but the but is that ... He is also a drawing in pencil! Now you know the truth! You're one of them! Juajauajauaaaaaaa!

forgive me, please. Shame

Nicotine Causes Hallucinations

Jack not want to die Oh I do not want to die! Shut tommy, you know that everyone will die, these little drawings in pencil are not breathing! Oh Jack, has been one to stick out your tongue bizarrely! Tommy Oh horror! Jack, you know I love you? Shut up Tommy ... is about the cartoon!

Riddle: stick out your tongue or eat a slug? The author can not know ...

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Free Clips Of Jesse Jane


Perhaps more than you have ever wished that one of your Excel files to display without gridlines. To solve this tiny question I propose two simple solutions:

A) Using the Forms Toolbar
B) Using Tools Menu

This method in particular seems the most practical and simple and only requires a few clicks .

Step 1 .- Go to menu
View .
Step 2 .- Go to menu bar Tools .
Step 3 .- On making click on the option Forms (Forms in Excel English).

^ Route Excel in English: View> Toolbars> Forms ^

Step 4 .- Once activated forms bar will appear next to the other menus.


Step 5 .- The last step is to click on the option grid switch ( Toogle Excel Grid English). Clicking on this option you can hide or show lines many times as you wish, in one click .

This process also is very simple, but personally I consider it less convenient for those who need to turn on or off again and again dividing cells, yet in spite of this is the most common.

Step 1 .- Go to menu Tools .
Step 2 .- Go to the Options submenu .

^ Route Excel in English: Tools> Options ^

Step 3 .- window opens options from which you can choose View tab and enable or disable as if gridlines ( View> Gridlines for the English version.)

Step 4 .- OK or OK.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Finally, as a final comment that c tell you on either of these two methods you happen to see your files this way:
presented in a more Aesthetics:

Posted by: Julio Rosales V.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Birthday Cruise Favors

create an exact copy of another sheet

Sometimes we want to copy information or format of an Excel worksheet to another, hoping that the other is copied EXACTLY the same. This would be an option:

Step 1. Go onto the Excel worksheet you want to copy. BILL 1 will call in this example.

Step 2. Right click on the tab where you will find the name of the sheet. In this case, right click on the name BILL 1. At the moment, it will display the shortcut menu, which must choose Move or Copy ( copy or move according to the example of the image).

Step 3. Once you have chosen Move or Copy option a new window will appear. It will total leaf containing your book.

must choose which position in the list you want to display your copy, ie, do you want to appear to the left or right of the original sheet? Or do you want the blade to move at the end or is located a few leaves below or further back?

Continuing with the process, select the sheet at their convenience and select the Create a copy box ( create a copy under the image).

Step 4. Once you create the copy, we just change the name ( Right clicking> rename ) or to relocate again if we consider necessary ( sustained By clicking the mouse on the road and moving left or right ).

Step 5. Ready , the sheet has been created as an exact replica of the INVOICE Original Sheet 1 ahorta and has a clone called BILL 2.


  • To add color to the tab alone: \u200b\u200b Right click the mouse> Color Palette> select desired color.
  • To copy several pages simultaneously staring Press CTRL while clicking while going with the mouse cursor leaves that need to create a replica> then follow the 5 steps of this tutorial.

Posted by: Julio Rosales V .

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Shirts To Wear To Baby Shower


Without further ado this time I will show one of many ways to check out a leaf cell or Excel workbook, with a discrete tool, small but effective and free of charge and without limited shelf life.

Step I:

Open the file, which is to check out.

Step II:

to next page:

Step III:

Download the Download.xla . You can save the file if you want to download in the future or you can give directly OPEN (Open). Remember to make sure you have the Excel file already open for when downolad.xla is open and running.

*** If you save the file, it is automatically saved with the name of password.

Step IV:

Run the password (or whatever it is, download formerly called download.xla ).

Once executed, it opens a message box as shown in the picture below.

Step V:

On the Tools menu (Tools) in the last sub-menu (make sure extending) two additional options under the following headings:
  • Unprotect sheet - Unprotect Sheet
  • Unprotect workbook - Check Book
Press the option that best fits what you need.

Press Ok and ready. Your file is unprotected.

Comments and suggestions:

  1. I suggest, if you do not remember the old password exploit and modify a new one.
  2. You should know that by using this tool are checked all the files or pages you have open on this and other workbooks. In case of not wanting to make any changes to the protection of the other files, just save and close.
  3. Once files are closed, everyone returns to normal, except those who have changed their password while they were unprotected, the remainder retains its old password.
  4. After closing the files, password tool deactivates and leaves no trace of their use.
  5. If in the future re-use this tool, just apply the step V, Open and Run.
  6. expiration The tool has a few months. In case of lapse may proceed from step 1, remember that the tool is rapidly discharged and provided for free.

Posted by: Julio Rosales V.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Ho To Correct Underbite

How rounding a value in Excel? Nobody

How to round a number in Excel?

To round a number in Excel will propose 2 methods:

  1. default Menu
  2. ROUND function
This method is the most direct and convenient to do so. All you have to do is the following:
a) Once you select the cell or range of cells, go to Format Menu .
b) Select the submenu cells.

a) Select the Number tab .
b) selected in the box Category option Number .
c) label Now Show choose with the arrows, the decimal places, ie the number of decimal places you want to add the value.

ROUND function

Another different method to round a numeric value, but not more complex, is using the ROUND function . To explain this role and let me exemplify variables using 2 exercises:

1. Rounding value in a cell manual
2. Round output value a formula

1 .- Round value in a cell manual

Assume that particular cell has a value of 100.2356 . However, it would reduce the number of decimal places or set the value 100.2356 no tenth.

To resolve this problem I will use the ROUND function. The structure of the function is: = POWER (NUMBER, NUMBER OF DECIMAL) .
The procedure is as follows:

a) Writing in the cell where you want the result, the sign = ROUND (
b) Add the number or value you want Round. This can write it manually or you can select the cell where the value is. In this case the number 100.2356.
c) Add immediately after the number to round the sign, or ; this depending on the settings your keyboard.
d) Now add the number of tenths
, ie the number of decimal places with which he intends round. For this example rounded 0 pp.
e) After adding the number of tenths close the function with parentheses ) and now you can press ENTER or OK.

The result of rounding to 0 tenths of 100.2356 is 100.
Other examples:
rounding to 1 decimal: = ROUND (100.2356,1). Result: 100.2
rounding to 2 decimal places: = ROUND (100.2356,2). Result: 100.23 Rounding to 3 decimal
: = ROUND (100.2356,3). Results: 100,235

2 .- Round output value from a formula
For this exercise, imagine that the value 100.2356 is the result of an arithmetic operation, the value 5.01178 (Located in cell A2 ) multiplied by the value 20 (Located in cell B2 ).
Note the formula in cell C2 , which is 100.2356 is the result of the multiplication = B2 * C2 :

For this problem once again be using the function ROUND. The structure of the function is: = ROUND (NUMBER, NUMBER OF DECIMAL) .

The procedure changes only slightly and would be:

a) Write the cell where you want the result, the sign = ROUND (
b) Add the number or value you want Round. The value after paretensis will, assuming they made directly in cell C2 , A2 * B2.
c) Add immediately after the number to round the sign, or ; this depending on the configuration of your keyboard.
d) Now add the number of tenths
, ie the number of decimal places with which he intends round. For this example rounded 0 tenths.
e) After adding the number of tenths close the function with parentheses ) and now you can press ENTER or OK.

The result of rounding 0 tenths of A2 ( 5.01178) * B2 ( 20 ) = 100.2356 is 100 .
Other examples:
rounding to 1 decimal: = ROUND (A2 * B2, 1). Result: 100.2
rounding to 2 decimal places: = ROUND (A2 * B2, 2). Result: 100.23 Rounding to 3 decimal
: = ROUND (A2 * B2, 3). Results: 100,235

The equivalent function ROUND in English is ROUND.
** Remember that the sign = should always be at the beginning of any formula.
** If your computer is configured in the language ENGLISH , you may need to use , instead of ; This observation, the stress for those who prefer to manually write the complete formula instead of using the mouse cursor or when choosing to join the ranks.
** ROUND only operate only with numeric values, but NEVER type characters TEXT .
** Remember that the wording of the formulas should never have spaces between one character to another.

Posted by: Julio Rosales V.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Eastern Bmx Traildigger

visit or read my blog? "And the comments?

The truth is that many bloggers post to stop because they think anyone to visit and no one cares about your site. It is true that a thing is to visit us and another that read, usually those who surf the net only see what they need from the site they visit and subsequently removed without comment.
God, do not do that, did you dear reader that the lack of feedback is the main cause of the suicide of the blogs. Believe me, a brief note of your time will be a great aliaciente for bloggers.
Unfortunately, what began as the idea of \u200b\u200bpublishing for pleasure sooner or later, for many it becomes a popularity contest. And it in the end in all blogger is a part that says it does not matter " do it for fun" and another " hope someone likes what I write ." And the latter is the one that requires comment.
But back to the topic, to know who we are visiting or who read my recommendation is to subscribe to sites like or other ; These sites allow us to have complete statistics on our site, such as:

How many people visit our blog?
In what countries visit our blog? What
pages most frequently visited our blog?
What is the filter through which they found our site (search engines, directories, etc.)?
How long they stay on our pages?
What words used in search engines to get to our blog (search string)?

Personally I am subscribed to and it has worked very well. Arroba . Com also offers the ability to add polls to your blog, guestbook and many more tools.

course, the choice of site statistics I leave to your decision. However, whatever your decision if I invite you to try as it really IS , WE WATCH THE WORLD.

course, this does not guarantee the success of your blog, but at least know the preferences of your visitors and you can work on improving it. We also invite you to read the following helpful tips to stay in the game world of bloggers.

luck with your Blog,

Posted by Becquer .