Saturday, January 3, 2009

Eastern Bmx Traildigger

visit or read my blog? "And the comments?

The truth is that many bloggers post to stop because they think anyone to visit and no one cares about your site. It is true that a thing is to visit us and another that read, usually those who surf the net only see what they need from the site they visit and subsequently removed without comment.
God, do not do that, did you dear reader that the lack of feedback is the main cause of the suicide of the blogs. Believe me, a brief note of your time will be a great aliaciente for bloggers.
Unfortunately, what began as the idea of \u200b\u200bpublishing for pleasure sooner or later, for many it becomes a popularity contest. And it in the end in all blogger is a part that says it does not matter " do it for fun" and another " hope someone likes what I write ." And the latter is the one that requires comment.
But back to the topic, to know who we are visiting or who read my recommendation is to subscribe to sites like or other ; These sites allow us to have complete statistics on our site, such as:

How many people visit our blog?
In what countries visit our blog? What
pages most frequently visited our blog?
What is the filter through which they found our site (search engines, directories, etc.)?
How long they stay on our pages?
What words used in search engines to get to our blog (search string)?

Personally I am subscribed to and it has worked very well. Arroba . Com also offers the ability to add polls to your blog, guestbook and many more tools.

course, the choice of site statistics I leave to your decision. However, whatever your decision if I invite you to try as it really IS , WE WATCH THE WORLD.

course, this does not guarantee the success of your blog, but at least know the preferences of your visitors and you can work on improving it. We also invite you to read the following helpful tips to stay in the game world of bloggers.

luck with your Blog,

Posted by Becquer .


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