Saturday, July 1, 2006

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29/01/2004 - The mayor of Canelones, Tabaré Hackembruch, acknowledged in an interview with the weekly that circulated Search U $ S 800 000 official publicity about "urgency" because there were exceptional items during the first year management that led to publications as urgently as possible. In mid 2001, the IMC said it had committed to U $ S 294 000 in advertising media traffic department, U $ S 655 000 in the national media (U $ S 199 000 for the daily La República, 99 000 U $ S for Ultimas News and U $ S 69 000 for the country).

27/02/2004 - The APU repudiated the decision taken by Henderson & Co. company. (Supermarkets Tienda Inglesa) to prevent the sale of the weekly Brecha in the local supermarket chain. On Friday February 13 Gap had published a report on the repression of children in street begging in stores puntaesteña, requested the police and others in this chain.

26/05/2004 - During a luncheon hosted by the Uruguayan Chamber of paid TV, former president Luis Alberto Lacalle acknowledged he made a "mistake" to have "seeded" permits the use of waves, both TV radio. He admitted that during his tenure and the second of Julio María Sanguinetti authorizations are granted without the necessary feasibility studies and economic trade. He also acknowledged that many of the permisarios called "advertising" to finance their projects and as though that were not profitable, many of these waves disappeared or were sold to third parties. Concluded that he had acted "innocently in this matter."

19/06/2004 - Minister of Economy and Finance Isaac Alfie, said in a shrill to journalists who were covering an event on investments in Uruguay, who before would have applied only to ask questions on the subject of the meeting. After the interview, compared to certain questions of the reporters referred to a possible increase to retirees, as intemperate chided reporters who asked a question of undoubted public interest. "I do not break more eggs, I will give no more interviews," said Alfie from the account of the Republic.

05/08/2004 - The President Jorge Batlle was involved in an incident with an Argentine journalist of the "Who Drop Drop" with whom he was angry and tried to take his microphone to the questions that the professional will perform on the environmental effects of a paper mill to be installed on the River Uruguay.

05/08/2004 - The Codex admonished some of his officials for making statements about an investigation in the area of \u200b\u200bthe body. The Codex is understood that only its members compete to comment on education policy and to instruct investigators or consultants to produce reports on the progress of these policies, and being the codex, the interest in these studies, it will decide whether the information should be known elsewhere. Not being unreasonable, they say well, they become aware of information through the media.

29/09/2004 - Cameraman Enrique Bianchi was fired from TV station VTV after a call to Walter Sanchez, director of the Press Secretary and Outreach Chair (SEPREDI) conduct to the authorities to complain that media coverage that the professional place in the Liberty Building. The next day Bianchi was reinstated in office after his colleagues did see VTV authorities violation of press freedom meant the measure, besides the injustice of the situation. SOME

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Censorship exercises practiced in Spain and reported in recent years
by the Uruguayan Press Association are very interesting to review. Due to space constraints, We have selected some episodes in our view, demolish, the hypocritical statements of members of the power that we talk about the importance of plurality of views, the foundation of "our democracy."

Thursday August 28, 2003 .- The Deputy State Attorney General in administrative litigation, Silvana Ness Lenoble, concluded in its opinion on the award for TV subscribers by the administration of Luis Lacalle in 1994, that the Executive did not act "in accordance with law because self-limiting its discretion" (y) "because it relied on (...) powers which the law does not assigned." He adds that the Executive Branch of the time violated "constitutional and legal principles, making it liable to cancellation

Wednesday 17 - The criminal judge Gerardo Peduzzi believes that Channel 10 is not properly discharged the sentence referred to the right answer ready for him, before a claim Association Kiosks, Fairs and subagents Quinielas and issues new statement condemning the Canal 10 to repeat the original message.

Tuesday 7 - Cristina Olaso, legal advisor to the Uruguayan Chamber of paid TV (Cuta) reports on the radio viewer into the disappearance of a file (No. 1617-2002), based in the Ministry of Economy and Finance, in which the denouncing of "abuse monopoly position "to companies and Equital Tenfield.

Sunday 26 .- Journalists from various media are insulted and evicted under the threat of use of force, Aguada club that develops the eighth congress of the central workers (PIT-CNT).

Wednesday, 19 .- The Chamber of Deputies unanimously approved a draft law on protecting the author rights journalism and save a default in the country since 1937, was approved Law No. 9.739 of copyright.
Friday 21 .- The staff of the newspaper La República, supported by the APU and the PIT-CNT, took the facilities to demand union rights.

Monday 24 .- Fasano distributed through kiosks selling newspapers and magazines printed material that describes the members of the union of media workers (APU) and the Central Workers (PIT-CNT) of " louts of death "," scoundrels "," left-fascist "," pirates, "" extremists, "" kidnappers "" felons "slanderers", "gangrene seudosindical", "slanderous" liars "," ignoble " "carriers" of "incontinence ethics", "brain lost," walkers ". "Polpotistas" among other insults

Friday 28 .- The management of Channel 10, the union announced that 21 of the 45 workers who were in the unemployment insurance since December 2002, will not be reinstated in their jobs.
Alberto Grille, editor of the Faces and Masks, from their midst, attempts to discredit the president of APU, Manuel Méndez, who is part of the delegation that negotiated with the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, the conflict in the Republic. Marcelo Ortega
director of 1410 AM FREE, threatens to fire journalists Canyon World program, which airs on that station, after interviewing one of the workers of the newspaper La República. Tuesday 2 .-

Fasano, after 11 days of occupation, lifting the trade dispute and reappearance of the daily La República, cuirassiers service contracts (especially trained in riot police), armed with flak jackets whose mission is to patrol every hour the facility (editing, printing, deposits) has duplication of security guards from a private company and reinforces the isolation of workers by adding metal plates to the existing grid at the perimeter of the newspaper.
This Relatorio was prepared by the Press Freedom Committee pursuant to the resolution of the Central Executive Council (CDC) in January 1999 APU.

29/01/2004 - The mayor of Canelones, Tabaré Hackembruch, acknowledged in an interview with the Search distributed by U $ S 800 000 official publicity about "urgency" because there were exceptional items during the first years of his administration that led to publications as urgently as possible. In mid 2001, the IMC said it had committed to U $ S 294 000 in advertising media traffic department, U $ S 655 000 in the national media (U $ S 199 000 for the daily La República, 99 000 U $ S for Ultimas News and U $ S 69 000 for the country).

27/02/2004 - The APU repudiated the resolution adopted by Henderson & Co. company. (Supermarkets Tienda Inglesa) to prevent the sale of the weekly Brecha in the local supermarket chain. The Friday, February 13 Gap had published a report on the repression of children in street begging in stores puntaesteña, requested the police and others in this chain.

26/05/2004 - During a luncheon hosted by the Uruguayan Chamber of paid TV, former president Luis Alberto Lacalle acknowledged he made a "mistake" to have "seeded" permits the use of waves, both TV radio. He admitted that during his tenure and the second of Julio María Sanguinetti authorizations are granted without the necessary feasibility studies and economic trade. He also acknowledged that many permisarios asked the "advertising" to finance their projects and as though that were not profitable, many of these waves disappeared or were sold to third parties. Concluded that he had acted "innocently in this matter."

19/06/2004 - Minister of Economy and Finance Isaac Alfie, said in a shrill to journalists who were covering an event on investments in Uruguay, who before would have applied only to ask questions on the subject of the meeting. After the interview, address certain questions of the reporters referred to a possible increase to retirees, as intemperate rebuked reporters that he was asked a question of undoubted public interest. "I do not break more eggs, I will give no more interviews," said Alfie from the account of the Republic.

05/08/2004 - The President Jorge Batlle was involved in an incident with an Argentine journalist of the "Who Drop Drop" with whom he was angry and tried to take his microphone to the questions that the professional will perform on the environmental effects of a paper mill to be installed on the River Uruguay.

05/08/2004 - The Codex admonished some of his officials for making statements about an investigation in the area of \u200b\u200bthe body. The Codex is understood that only its members compete to comment on education policy and to instruct investigators or consultants to produce reports on the progress of these policies, and being the codex, the interest in these studies, it will decide whether the information should be known elsewhere. Not being unreasonable, they say well, they become aware of information through the media.

29/09/2004 - Cameraman Enrique Bianchi was fired from the television channel VTV after a call to Walter Sanchez, director of the Press Secretary and Outreach Chair (SEPREDI), conduct the authorities of that medium to complain about the professional coverage held in the Liberty Building. The next day Bianchi was reinstated in office after his colleagues did see VTV authorities violation of press freedom meant the measure, besides the injustice of the situation.

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Censorship, exercises the power, whatever their origin, against any citizen to instill fear and force to obedience to laws, regulations, decrees and regulations, no missing conventions. and other high-level conchavos
Personally, I had the displeasure of being censored in the newspaper the day, then Editorial Secretary Jose Pereyra Gonzalez, who used to maul my notes. It was in 1959, and the cause, a salute to the Cuban Revolution, the day after the victory.
The second time was in RADIO CARVE when presenting a musical under the name of the Uruguayan industry in año1968 The cause was a campaign for the enactment of a law under the national artist ... and the phone call from a Uruguayan percussionist making a recommendation to the politicians. The call came on the air and 30 seconds later Mr. Paul Fontaine in the door of the study became the great censor.
The third time it happened in the old CX 42, RADIO VANGUARD, located in the building where there is still the Teatro Stella D'Italia, in 1969, the program was called "the anger" and consisted of songs, performers and composers, and political commentary Uruguayan-bit sympathetic, dedicated to sending more in the time, Jorge Pacheco Areco.
The censor at the time, was Alberto Reynal Pacific (ex CX 8) at that time confidant of the owners
As phonogram producer even before the dictatorship, three of my works were banned in 1970, an LP juanlacazino Ricardo oF Collazo-containing "Freedom" - and another of sanducero Aníbal Sampayo with Coastal in which included among others "View Pattern" and "Mr. President" and the simple version of the March of the anger of the Demons, a rock group of Belvedere.
I want to acknowledge that in other years, but was censored by my ex-wife, at some time, and make clear that one should not accept censorship wherever it comes, or come from any quarter.
censorship on TV has been a constant. A few years ago had an impact which occurred on Channel 10, in June 2002 - had risen CQC (Who Drop Drop) of Pergolini and Co, of its programming. The program produced in Argentina, was a good television product creative, well informed and very irreverent. CQC, reviewed the company from the nearby shore, with sharp criticism and a lot of irony. In short, "he teased" the power and ridiculed the authority. With the "breakers" that left the former Eastern president, did not take long to have him as white. And from that moment on, his envoys came to be harassed on the go, for the city. To show how great was the respect for others' ideas, the former Director of Sepredi himself, (a certain Sanchez), came to "box" to a journalist CQC, when the inmates in 2004. Canal authorities 10 (funny prebend of State) argued that the program had been "raised" because of low ratting. Or, in other words, the limited audience. ...
Then it was the turn Lanata. A Buenos Aires means "chanta" also tried to intervene, Eastern public opinion, from a program on Channel 12, exposing some sins, jealously hidden by most mídia that had already been reported by some independent vehicles ... and ran from mouth to mouth among the population.
The apology in this case was the low economic return that "the Lanata.Uy" got. A Revelio of pretexts, all was not of gross acts of private censorship. Who lives in this society, where many things happen, and everything is hidden, the use of censorship, is seen as a way to "put some order in the house" and reaffirms the idea that communicators are "subject "what the company wants or force. Official censorship for years, was incorporated as another tool of government. Applied in subtle ways: denying loans, cutting advertising guidelines, disqualifying and making recommendations to the foot of the ear ... until tearing their hair out when they claim that the criticisms are being endangered "against the Uruguayan lifestyle" ...
Meanwhile, Channel 10 will continue providing a wonderful cultural service, putting in several programs
weekly display "turn off and go" and Channel 12-free at last of that "such a big Lanata" ... will continue to illustrate the mediocrity of its programming, five days a week with the "educational" Mr. Tinelli ... spaces may lose some viewers, but win-with-security branch thank

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Some exercises censorship in our country, will occupy pages of contemporary history for future generations reading. As an example we recall a frustrated Dino performance in the town of Rivera in the warm years of the dictatorship. In those years had to be-to seek permission to organize a show, besides mentioning the type of show, specify name and surname of "actuators" and if by chance, was a recital of popular song-writing present in 5-way names and song lyrics. Well, the military authorities of the time-as they did before, "gave permission which was later repealed, 10 minutes before. At that point, the cinema hall was packed. Powered amplification, the guitar tuned in the corresponding. Everything will soon ... when the order came that the function was suspended. Dino could not sing and the public should be withdrawn in order and return to their homes, without any kind of demonstration against the decision of the "high command" local. Oddly enough people were starting to retire dépointage, when the speakers began to hear the first chords of "Milonga de Pelo Largo. The public turned to know that was what was happening and saw the stage as the curtains opened and a chair with a guitar on top, framed under a beam of 4 bins, which left the rest of the stage completely dark. Dino had inadvertently brought him an LP to illustrate an interview on the radio and that "saved the night." The lieutenant who was in command of the suspension, had no choice but to accept the arguments of counsel for the organizers, that "dribble" was legal. The Dino was forbidden was on stage (although we agree that the disk diffusion was prohibited throughout the national territory and the soldier did not know, or chose to ignore)
This episode served to other "dribbling" censorship. The duo Labarnois - Carrero had to be submitted for action "to benefit" in a neighborhood club from the capital. In the evening, minutes before taking the stage, reached the news that one of its members was forbidden and could not arise. The other appeared as if nothing had happened, he began playing and singing, to the applause of the audience continued. At times it seemed they were the two ....
And really, they were. Only one above and one below the stage, using the microphone that had aacercado organizers.
Right in 1984 in Porto Alegre, visit Dino and Directions, also caused some concern in those who had scheduled a concert in the Auditorium of the Legislative Assembly Gaucho. With the invaluable support of Glênio Peres, a former mayor and congressman, it could be circumventing the requirements of the "police" Federal "until it was time for the titles and lyrics of the songs ....
sure that we were bigger and more organized. It was presented to the authorities a list of almost childish-teen music (like "lift up the barriers, to pass the Lamplighter ..." and / or "I have a golden-haired bride, Bimba I fondly call it ..." of another unforgettable friend (Dumont old mate Zorrilla). spent. Just in case requested the presence of some MPs, something to abort any attempt to suspend the show and "turn on" some of the musicians. The room filled with 700 exiles sang choir songs more representative of the current rebel, revolutionary and popular at the time. Another dribble
censorship that touched me was on the occasion of the arrival of the vocal quartet MPB4, Porto Alegre ... when the Brazilian dictatorship became harder. A friend who worked at the Theatre Leopoldina, invited me to see the test group was known for having accompanied Chico Buarque de Holanda in the interpretation of "Roda Viva" at the Festival of the Record, in 1967 the boys "went "music and" reviewed "the sound for the night.
At the exit, Federal agents, delivered an official document told them to not sing certain songs, among them "Despite você" ("Despite você, Amanhã must be outro day" ...). The show in the evening was spent with the entire theater cheering and applauding the musicians. And they really have refrained from singing você spite of, just in the end, when the show was over one of the members admitted into the microphone, which had avoided that song to not go to jail ... but also added that if the public wanted to, he gave his foot ... and hummed the opening bars. Outside the theater was thrilling, the retired public voice singing the lyrics censored neck as "men of law" were desperate ... trying to locate, as here, who sang higher, or with greater fervor.

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A libertarian voice heard at dawn, apparently out of the ether. I heard at dawn today, some messages from other listeners claiming "its absence." and tried to figure out what happened, but without success.
The man, a professional mixed farming, speaker, and commentator, came "charging" attitudes of government, using strong language and strong opposition to the installation of polluting plants, cellulose and other "projects" government, and ... exercise a tenacious criticism against the bugs, the descriptions and the improvisations of the authorities.
He was proud of his freedom of action ... and many listeners showed what they identified in part or totally with him. But it was a matter of time, to "step on someone's corns" (it was, or feel important) and that the owner of the station is saturated with complaints, the shot for his criticism. The man was called to management a few days ago and apparently, not more ... the libertarian who spoke with passion of life is no more. It seems that there was scarcely man of agriculture, at least the air. Ojala
be so.
Censorship is directly related to freedom of expression. And it is equally exercised by the branches of government, business pimps, or bourgeois societies and religions.
pimp ta. (The AR. Hisp. Alqawwád, and east of ar. Class. Qawwād). m. and f. Person by masks or facilitates a relationship, usually illegal. 2. coloq. Person or thing that serves to cover up what you want to hide). Reference Library Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2005. Old
If censorship will come from the beginning of time. The first sensor that records of mankind, was that Mr heater, who criticized the first lady of paradise ... and his faithful husband, for biting the apple. No matter such events occurred and the final. There were only two of them. And therefore, as a fact without a source "informed" the thing is left to the imagination of each ...
censorship Although sometimes amused by the ridiculous arguments for the latter, no less an abuse the individual ... as well. The censorship exercised against everything we believe in the person's thinking, whether written, spoken, filmed, painted, sculptured or merely imagined. Censorship is, as the younger sister of the ban. Where is power, the practitioner, the path followed is: 1 Prior censorship, 2 Auto censorship, 3 º Censorship, 4 º Prohibition, 5 Unemployment and 6 Cana
At the time of the dictatorship, told me "because" was traveling elsewhere - that the soldadenga "marked off" the boys of high school when they sang the song ... because they "could not" put much emphasis in the verse, "the homeland or the tomb." And do not sing with great fervor, as in: "tyrants tremble" ...
censorship. (Del lat. Censoring). f. Opinion and judgments made or given on a work or writing. 2. Note, correction or reproof something. 3. Gossip, detraction. 4. Intervention exercises gubernatorial censor. 5. External forum ecclesiastical penalty imposed for any offense under the Canons.
Incredibly, in our country just a trap was repaired last November 19, 2003 when the House of Representatives unanimously approved a draft law on protecting the author rights journalism and save an omission the country since 1937, which adopted the Law No. 9.739 of copyright. (S Report 2003 of the Press Association - APU). When
Censorship does not resolve, and still decides to report criticized the censorship of the press as it did Rodolfo Jorge Walsh during the dictatorship in Argentina; well pursued, free thinker can be "disappeared" ... On March 25th of '77, Rodolfo Walsh, founder of Prensa Latina, was kidnapped and murdered by soldiers, hours after making public the content of an Open Letter to the military leadership of his country.
sometimes and knowing the difficulties in moving people is critical, installed in the power elite, is often more subtle and partly to "tighten" the economic siege, suspending state advertisements in the media of the opposition; others ... spread generously's money to encourage friends and supporters.

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I already saw her coming ...

me the permission I ALREADY COME ...
was possible that the arrogance of the president of the Republic, ending up in a post like that happened this last week of June 2006. Only
is missing an edict'd better hope:
First of all, it was a lie.
When he finished the splendor of the feast of poise and a journalist asked him how would cost spree, (with the same look later use with "halconeza" Rice) said nothing. When "the return of the caravan that brought Europe, another reporter asked how it would have cost the travel and stay in the old world, said nothing
When amputated authorized symbol of the sun in the middle, and changed the solar field, by the green clouds of the pulp mills, did not respond at all.
A this guy people voted for him, also betrayed by her speech. And for hiding part of his "resume." (7 year period between 1980 and 1987).
After (I assume that before) decided to create an inter-agency official, proper and "advised" hierarchical tables not to give statements to the press, and stop buying from the collections of local newspapers that the newsboys ... had already fallen by the wayside, when former President Jorge Batlle had suspended payments. (Which cáiganse chair, also lived blinded by the collection of journalists, in the particular case of it, all Left ..!!!
Public opinion considered the 4 th power, a few years ago. The other three branches of government: Judicial, Legislative and Executive branches were independent
Now with this attempt to progressive government (must be referred to the Progress Club Division 2), this gentleman decided in the executive. Requires the legislature to vote for what he wants, even with the complicity of some former "revolutionaries" - stuck to thugs (with the right to change the whole direction of a political group) to serve their purposes. And yet, press the judiciary, through a minister of his cabinet. Now throw shit everywhere, because is incompetent and does not deceive anyone else, and pretend that people do not think, do not read and do not say, and he only created it-is a dream that will not be able to meet.
. Today at noon, was pitiful attempt by another minister (Rossi), to defend it. Interviewed by Omar Gutierrez on Channel 4 (the canary was hot as a "stone sauna"), and I made some questions, the member of the list 738, failed to respond objectively. The end of the interview, the following results: Gutierrez 4; Rossi 0. The minister said
and retracted, mixed concepts on freedom of expression, information and opinion public and left his chair in offside, saying what he wants is to touch all the bells (must be under pressure from Maria Auxiliadora, for in the Masonic lodges do not touch the bells), forgetting the "board "with 250 elected they were all agreed with him (the president), and in which restricted access of journalists (probably all conspirators against him), and billboards were placed around the bunker of the presidency, to ward off Popular those who disagreed with the installation of pollution-si sir Pulp Mills.
At this pace, at any time, the government, (and was well clear who is and who gives orders, the rest confined to contribute), we will sell to some American mobster, a piece of land, to install a trailer casino brothel, near where it was going to install a U.S. Navy base. (Lagomar, June 28, 2006)
Enrique Cuadrado Gambardella, for Lagomar Road Blog. Http://
* anarchists do not we die together