Saturday, July 1, 2006

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Censorship exercises practiced in Spain and reported in recent years
by the Uruguayan Press Association are very interesting to review. Due to space constraints, We have selected some episodes in our view, demolish, the hypocritical statements of members of the power that we talk about the importance of plurality of views, the foundation of "our democracy."

Thursday August 28, 2003 .- The Deputy State Attorney General in administrative litigation, Silvana Ness Lenoble, concluded in its opinion on the award for TV subscribers by the administration of Luis Lacalle in 1994, that the Executive did not act "in accordance with law because self-limiting its discretion" (y) "because it relied on (...) powers which the law does not assigned." He adds that the Executive Branch of the time violated "constitutional and legal principles, making it liable to cancellation

Wednesday 17 - The criminal judge Gerardo Peduzzi believes that Channel 10 is not properly discharged the sentence referred to the right answer ready for him, before a claim Association Kiosks, Fairs and subagents Quinielas and issues new statement condemning the Canal 10 to repeat the original message.

Tuesday 7 - Cristina Olaso, legal advisor to the Uruguayan Chamber of paid TV (Cuta) reports on the radio viewer into the disappearance of a file (No. 1617-2002), based in the Ministry of Economy and Finance, in which the denouncing of "abuse monopoly position "to companies and Equital Tenfield.

Sunday 26 .- Journalists from various media are insulted and evicted under the threat of use of force, Aguada club that develops the eighth congress of the central workers (PIT-CNT).

Wednesday, 19 .- The Chamber of Deputies unanimously approved a draft law on protecting the author rights journalism and save a default in the country since 1937, was approved Law No. 9.739 of copyright.
Friday 21 .- The staff of the newspaper La República, supported by the APU and the PIT-CNT, took the facilities to demand union rights.

Monday 24 .- Fasano distributed through kiosks selling newspapers and magazines printed material that describes the members of the union of media workers (APU) and the Central Workers (PIT-CNT) of " louts of death "," scoundrels "," left-fascist "," pirates, "" extremists, "" kidnappers "" felons "slanderers", "gangrene seudosindical", "slanderous" liars "," ignoble " "carriers" of "incontinence ethics", "brain lost," walkers ". "Polpotistas" among other insults

Friday 28 .- The management of Channel 10, the union announced that 21 of the 45 workers who were in the unemployment insurance since December 2002, will not be reinstated in their jobs.
Alberto Grille, editor of the Faces and Masks, from their midst, attempts to discredit the president of APU, Manuel Méndez, who is part of the delegation that negotiated with the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, the conflict in the Republic. Marcelo Ortega
director of 1410 AM FREE, threatens to fire journalists Canyon World program, which airs on that station, after interviewing one of the workers of the newspaper La República. Tuesday 2 .-

Fasano, after 11 days of occupation, lifting the trade dispute and reappearance of the daily La República, cuirassiers service contracts (especially trained in riot police), armed with flak jackets whose mission is to patrol every hour the facility (editing, printing, deposits) has duplication of security guards from a private company and reinforces the isolation of workers by adding metal plates to the existing grid at the perimeter of the newspaper.
This Relatorio was prepared by the Press Freedom Committee pursuant to the resolution of the Central Executive Council (CDC) in January 1999 APU.

29/01/2004 - The mayor of Canelones, Tabaré Hackembruch, acknowledged in an interview with the Search distributed by U $ S 800 000 official publicity about "urgency" because there were exceptional items during the first years of his administration that led to publications as urgently as possible. In mid 2001, the IMC said it had committed to U $ S 294 000 in advertising media traffic department, U $ S 655 000 in the national media (U $ S 199 000 for the daily La República, 99 000 U $ S for Ultimas News and U $ S 69 000 for the country).

27/02/2004 - The APU repudiated the resolution adopted by Henderson & Co. company. (Supermarkets Tienda Inglesa) to prevent the sale of the weekly Brecha in the local supermarket chain. The Friday, February 13 Gap had published a report on the repression of children in street begging in stores puntaesteña, requested the police and others in this chain.

26/05/2004 - During a luncheon hosted by the Uruguayan Chamber of paid TV, former president Luis Alberto Lacalle acknowledged he made a "mistake" to have "seeded" permits the use of waves, both TV radio. He admitted that during his tenure and the second of Julio María Sanguinetti authorizations are granted without the necessary feasibility studies and economic trade. He also acknowledged that many permisarios asked the "advertising" to finance their projects and as though that were not profitable, many of these waves disappeared or were sold to third parties. Concluded that he had acted "innocently in this matter."

19/06/2004 - Minister of Economy and Finance Isaac Alfie, said in a shrill to journalists who were covering an event on investments in Uruguay, who before would have applied only to ask questions on the subject of the meeting. After the interview, address certain questions of the reporters referred to a possible increase to retirees, as intemperate rebuked reporters that he was asked a question of undoubted public interest. "I do not break more eggs, I will give no more interviews," said Alfie from the account of the Republic.

05/08/2004 - The President Jorge Batlle was involved in an incident with an Argentine journalist of the "Who Drop Drop" with whom he was angry and tried to take his microphone to the questions that the professional will perform on the environmental effects of a paper mill to be installed on the River Uruguay.

05/08/2004 - The Codex admonished some of his officials for making statements about an investigation in the area of \u200b\u200bthe body. The Codex is understood that only its members compete to comment on education policy and to instruct investigators or consultants to produce reports on the progress of these policies, and being the codex, the interest in these studies, it will decide whether the information should be known elsewhere. Not being unreasonable, they say well, they become aware of information through the media.

29/09/2004 - Cameraman Enrique Bianchi was fired from the television channel VTV after a call to Walter Sanchez, director of the Press Secretary and Outreach Chair (SEPREDI), conduct the authorities of that medium to complain about the professional coverage held in the Liberty Building. The next day Bianchi was reinstated in office after his colleagues did see VTV authorities violation of press freedom meant the measure, besides the injustice of the situation.


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