Saturday, July 1, 2006

What Is The Rikers Island Visiting Schedule?



Some exercises censorship in our country, will occupy pages of contemporary history for future generations reading. As an example we recall a frustrated Dino performance in the town of Rivera in the warm years of the dictatorship. In those years had to be-to seek permission to organize a show, besides mentioning the type of show, specify name and surname of "actuators" and if by chance, was a recital of popular song-writing present in 5-way names and song lyrics. Well, the military authorities of the time-as they did before, "gave permission which was later repealed, 10 minutes before. At that point, the cinema hall was packed. Powered amplification, the guitar tuned in the corresponding. Everything will soon ... when the order came that the function was suspended. Dino could not sing and the public should be withdrawn in order and return to their homes, without any kind of demonstration against the decision of the "high command" local. Oddly enough people were starting to retire dépointage, when the speakers began to hear the first chords of "Milonga de Pelo Largo. The public turned to know that was what was happening and saw the stage as the curtains opened and a chair with a guitar on top, framed under a beam of 4 bins, which left the rest of the stage completely dark. Dino had inadvertently brought him an LP to illustrate an interview on the radio and that "saved the night." The lieutenant who was in command of the suspension, had no choice but to accept the arguments of counsel for the organizers, that "dribble" was legal. The Dino was forbidden was on stage (although we agree that the disk diffusion was prohibited throughout the national territory and the soldier did not know, or chose to ignore)
This episode served to other "dribbling" censorship. The duo Labarnois - Carrero had to be submitted for action "to benefit" in a neighborhood club from the capital. In the evening, minutes before taking the stage, reached the news that one of its members was forbidden and could not arise. The other appeared as if nothing had happened, he began playing and singing, to the applause of the audience continued. At times it seemed they were the two ....
And really, they were. Only one above and one below the stage, using the microphone that had aacercado organizers.
Right in 1984 in Porto Alegre, visit Dino and Directions, also caused some concern in those who had scheduled a concert in the Auditorium of the Legislative Assembly Gaucho. With the invaluable support of Glênio Peres, a former mayor and congressman, it could be circumventing the requirements of the "police" Federal "until it was time for the titles and lyrics of the songs ....
sure that we were bigger and more organized. It was presented to the authorities a list of almost childish-teen music (like "lift up the barriers, to pass the Lamplighter ..." and / or "I have a golden-haired bride, Bimba I fondly call it ..." of another unforgettable friend (Dumont old mate Zorrilla). spent. Just in case requested the presence of some MPs, something to abort any attempt to suspend the show and "turn on" some of the musicians. The room filled with 700 exiles sang choir songs more representative of the current rebel, revolutionary and popular at the time. Another dribble
censorship that touched me was on the occasion of the arrival of the vocal quartet MPB4, Porto Alegre ... when the Brazilian dictatorship became harder. A friend who worked at the Theatre Leopoldina, invited me to see the test group was known for having accompanied Chico Buarque de Holanda in the interpretation of "Roda Viva" at the Festival of the Record, in 1967 the boys "went "music and" reviewed "the sound for the night.
At the exit, Federal agents, delivered an official document told them to not sing certain songs, among them "Despite você" ("Despite você, Amanhã must be outro day" ...). The show in the evening was spent with the entire theater cheering and applauding the musicians. And they really have refrained from singing você spite of, just in the end, when the show was over one of the members admitted into the microphone, which had avoided that song to not go to jail ... but also added that if the public wanted to, he gave his foot ... and hummed the opening bars. Outside the theater was thrilling, the retired public voice singing the lyrics censored neck as "men of law" were desperate ... trying to locate, as here, who sang higher, or with greater fervor.


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