Tuesday, December 16, 2008

It Feela Like Stomach Acid Is Burning My Throa

: Percentages

This publication will present the following question:

How to calculate percentages in Excel?


"A percentage is a way to represent how much an amount in respect of another (the reference)." 1

The importance of this issue, if it is not what formula would you use?, because once you know the math normal use ( sum , subtraction, multiplication and division), calculate a percentage is laughable, the reality is that the percentages can be done with a simple division .

Central to this publication is to understand how we can calculate a percentage in different forms and variations mathematics, especially given the essence of our blog, know how we can perform in Excel.

Our entry will be divided into:

  • Calculate the percentage of an amount in Excel
  • obtaining a share of Excel


The calculation of a percentage of a quantity, in other words, illustrating with an absolute value ( 1000 in this example ) means

1000 That represents 100 % a value, ie the total value and / or absolute amount.

If you would like to know which is 10% 1000, would run some of the following:

Procedure 1

Math : 10 * 1000 / 100

Excel Procedure:

a) Write the cell where you want the result, the sign = (
b) Add the percentage number. In this example is 10
c) The next step to add the sign * (asterisk). This will apply a multiplication .
d) Add the absolute number, ie the total value. This example is the 1000
e) Once the value added total formula to close the parenthesis ) .
f) Now add parentheses after the sign / (diagonal). Apply to this division.
g) Now add the 100 . This value is always fixed, never varied in comparison 10 (percentage) and 1000 (total, accounting for 100 % percentage.
h) Press ENTER or OK.
The formula would be as follows: = (10 * 1000) / 100

The result in this case is 100. The number 100 represents 10% 1000.

Procedure 2

Math: % 1000 * 10

Excel Procedure:

a) Write the cell where we want the result, the sign =
b) Add the number or value of our total or absolute amount. In this case 1000.
c) after the number now add the sign * (asterisk). This will apply a multiplication .
d) Add the number percentage. In this example is 10 %
e) Press ENTER or OK.
The formula would be as follows: = 1000 * 10 %

The result in this case is 100. The number 100 represents 10% 1000.

Procedure 3

continue with the example of calculating the 10 % of 1000 but now applying the % indirectly. This in other words, means that no multiply by 10 %, but by 0.10 . The 0.10 is the same as if calculated by 10 % , as this represents the first tenths of 10 % (10/100 = 0.10). The procedure is as follows:

Math : 1000 * 0.10

Excel Procedure:

a) Write the cell where you want the result, the sign b =
) Add the number or value of our total or absolute amount. In this case 1000.
c) after the number now add the sign * (asterisk). This will apply a multiplication .
d) Add the number percentage. In this example is 0.10 (10 / 100 = 0.10) .
e) Press ENTER or OK.
The formula would be as follows:
= 1000 * 0.10

The result in this case is 100. The number 100 represents the 0.10 (10 %) of 1000.




is common that you need to know the counterpart of calculating a percentage of a quantity, that is, you need to know that it represents X amount over another, proportional to the total value or all.

To explain this issue will continue with the example of the number 1000 the total value and / or absolute. If you would like to know what percentage represents 200 the absolute amount in this case is 1000 , you would run some of the following:

Procedure 1

Math: 200 / 1000 * 100

Procedure in Excel obtaining the percentage as an integer value :

a) Write in the cell where you want the result, the sign = (
b) Add the number proportionately. In this example is 200 .
c) The next step is to add the sign / (diagonal). This will apply a division .
d) Add absolute number, ie the total value. This example is the 1000 .
e) Once the total value added end the formula with a break ) .
f) Now add the numbers after * (asterisk). This will apply a multiplication .
g) Now add the 100 . This value is always fixed, never varied in comparison of 200 (value share) and 1000 (total), accounting for 100% of the percentage.
h) Press ENTER or OK.

formula would be as follows: = (200 / 1000) * 100

The result in this case is 20. The number 20 represents 20% 1000. Excel for this operation, we only threw 20 as an integer value and not a strictly text "20 % ." Logically understood that 20 is equal to 20% (200) 1000.

Procedure 2

Math: 200/1000

Excel Procedure to obtain a percentage percentage (sic):

a) Write the cell where you want the result, the sign =
b) Add the number proportionately. In this example is 200 .
c) The next step is to add the sign / (diagonal). Apply to this division.
d) Add the absolute number, ie the total value. This example is the 1000 .
e) Press ENTER or OK.

The formula would be as follows: = 200 / 1000

The result in this case is 0.2 or 0.20.

order to convert the 0.2 to rate one must choose the format bar option percentage.


1 http://thales.cica.es/rd/Recursos/rd99/ed99-0249-04/apartado41 . htm

Posted by: Julio Rosales V.


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