Sunday, June 4, 2006

Adderall And Prostate

Tarara JOURNAL (10)

I chose these three characters "met" during my stay, as an example of the kindness of that sister and her vocation services, and so different from functions of one and the other-they did not hesitate a moment to further illustrate -With his stories, on the vicissitudes experienced by his people ... and the participation of the poet, the guerrilla commander in the struggle for liberation.
The activity of a dear friend, is the distributor of mineral water every morning repeated the trip the day before, and anticipates the next day, delivering the "knobs" of 1 liter and a half because of a knob per person hosted more than 80 houses. Michael uses an electric buggy-open those gringos that used to reach the first hole-in exchange for 0.50 (U.S. cents). José Miguel, this is your full name, was the first Cuban who stood in the street the next day ... arrival, to ask questions about the town and its history. Until the day before the return, we are almost daily, and by chance, on any street in the village, he doing his deal (and me doing my walk, as a good diabetic). Every encounter helped me to go up the history of the town and its people.
At Villa there is a House and Museum, known as the Casa del Che. " Not because Che had constituted at the local address, but because after the triumph of the revolution, undertaken by a flare, Che spent a few weeks, Resting in a house on the hilltop, overlooking the sea blue. The historian Victor Caio Sotolon, hosted episodes that ran on the revolution while other examples of the Latin American struggle for liberation, placing the beginning of the struggle for independence in the nineteenth century., In times of English rule from the events of Demajagua, some 50 years later
the declaration of Independence of the partners in the Mercosur. (Paraguay on May 15, 1811, Argentina on July 9, 1816, Brazil on September 7, 1822, and Uruguay on August 25, 1825). Still spent about 30 years for Cubans to reach the May 20, 1902. The Bachelor Aldo Daniel Naranjo Tamayo (research historical) Demajagua defines as Altar de la Patria Cuban note: "On October 10, 1868, in the Demajagua sugar mill, a Cuban male, litigious and determined: Carlos Manuel de Cespedes del Castillo, declared independence of their country, supported by hundreds of lines in the Manzanillo region "in eastern Cuba. José Martí, later wrote this metaphor about the need for commitment of the people with the independence revolution:
"People like volcanoes, are styled in the shadows, where only certain eyes see, and in one day sprout facts crowned with fire and panting flanks, and crawl to the summit to lecture and quiet of this world, who deny everything that does not want, and do not know of the volcano until you have it over. The best thing is being in the womb, and go with it! "
José Julián Martí (1853-1895), Cuban politician and writer, (son of English) was the ultimate symbol of Cuban aspirations for independence and an outstanding representative of Latin American literature. The governments of Paraguay, Argentina and Uruguay was designated consulate of each of them in New York. (Uruguay is appointed Consul on April 16, 1887, Argentina and Paraguay, do the same, in December de1890).
On February 25, 1895, Marti was issued from the Republic Dominican Maximo Gomez with the so-called Manifesto of Montecristi, once it had initiated hostilities against the English colonial power two days earlier (by Baire's cry, the origin of the final phase of Cuba's wars for independence .) Called that the armed uprising of the Cuban people against English rule.
In April of that year succeeded in landing in Cuba along with Gomez, and both are turned on 6 May in the highest authorities of the revolution. Martí died in combat at Dos Ríos, 19 May 1895. " (Information collected from the Reference Library Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2005. © Microsoft Corporation 1993-2004. . All Rights Reserved.)
What does not make your copyright, is the realization, that the imperialists,
always been with an eye on those people who got rid of foreign domination and declare your independence ... just to dominate once again.


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