Sunday, June 4, 2006

Communication Board For Stroke Patient

MEDICAL ... (2)

Not all were listed. At night, in housing-after dinner, some were called to confirm the trip to the hospital the next day. Others were gathered to inform the treatment should continue, to reach control levels (blood pressure, glucose, etc..) And obtain the conditions for surgery. Even some patients who returned were not obtained surgery. Then is obviously incomprehensible, how ... if we had already been diagnosed, here ...? What was the need to do it again there ...? And also ... What if everything was solved from here, because there were patients who did not undergo surgery ...? Another
puntoque not clear in the conclusions of this century, is as to "examine patients" (sic) as stated in the note.
When I was greeted by a Cuban doctor in the Health Center Ciudad de la Costa, which she asked me was my name, I replied and added reason to be against it. I watched the view and I went to Dr Public Health, who accompanied her. This led me to another room, I take blood pressure, filled out a form with my details and asked me soon, get it back, with the consent of the cardiologist who attended me, to travel to Cuba.
Who knows, there was some rule or norm, people who idealized this current solidarity alto.Talvez passed by the state of calamity poor Uruguayans, visually impaired, has screamed higher than the useless bureaucracy (which only serve to delay the settlement of thousands of problems) and that Uruguayan society is so used.
Patients who returned from Cuba (Operations), at this point and must pass a thousand and none of which required hundredth pay or sign a petition against the U.S. blockade, which the island suffered 47 years ago. The Minister Arizmendi (communist) did not require anyone's party card to be provided with travel and operation.
the way back I met people who had been there, "recommending" (a new candidate to the trip) "that take money to eat, because food-served to patients," was unpalatable. " Let's see ... at breakfast were served scrambled eggs,
toast, butter and jam, plus a few slices of grapefruit orange and pineapple. To drink, coffee or chocolate milk and fruit juices (orange, mango or pineapple) at will. Before leaving the restaurant, patients and companions, received a bottle of glue and some cookies with filling) for tea in the morning. At noon, a soup as a starter, and a plate of rice and chicken or pork, or tuna, or beef, and vegetables (raw or cooked), and bread. To drink cold water and out the tail and crackers for a snack in the afternoon. Dinner repeated with other dishes and ingredients, the lunch. I can not think that this daily diet
controlled by nutritionists, someone could die of hunger. Especially since the coordinators of the trip had brought some donations, crackers, cookies and herb.
But as ungrateful, are in all societies, surely I have come across authentic representatives of the Uruguayan society. That ugly ...!
I agree with what the Minister said Arizmendi and I venture to go a little further: the medicine is what turned into merchandise. And companies such as the claimant ... their merchants. Advances in medicine in Cuba, including new techniques and the development of new drugs, has not helped that no researcher has been enriched. He served in the interim to share with the needy around the world without asking anything in return. And for those who have short memories, remember that under President Jorge Batlle, same year that voted in favor of new sanctions against Cuba empire ... Like that people sent a shipment of flu vaccines as a donation.
And before the end ... What if these advocates of penal code 1500, which encourage gang of three Cuban doctors, put in the spotlight, the evangelical sect Stop Suffering, which not only acts freely, but also advertises a range of products such as salt of no where, the Red Sea water, soap and other discharge, raising a hand, what the unsuspecting and poor believers, can ... or can not afford. Sure, this sect of Brazilian origin, has a great economic power y. .. "Over three" Although deserves to be applied across the said Code. THREAD


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