Sunday, June 4, 2006

Cervical Mucus At 5 Weeks


of a patient operated in Cuba
Some people who act professionally on the Uruguayan health sector loaded inks, canyons and conspired to attack and denounce-with public opinion always misinformed and manipulated-to three Cuban doctors who arrived at these beaches to provide their knowledge, in solidarity.
The solidarity is a term not used in the leguaje bourgeois. The closest thing is said corporatism, but at the grassroots level is called "threads."
corporatism. 2. In a group or professional sector, a trend abusive internal solidarity and advocacy body. (Reference Library Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2005
The reason given, according to a note in the daily El Pais on May 23, on pg. 9 - for the denunciation of the SAQ (anesthetic and surgical societies), resorts to the figure of "usurpation of functions" under the Penal Code., and stated: "The surgeons say that there is sufficient proof that the three professionals examined, diagnosed and provided technical advice, so practice medicine in Uruguay" I am
one of those patients who returned from Cuba, looking lost. Although at the time, which was found to have a cataract in his right eye, paid a mutualistic one was ill-served by medical professionals in the industry, I was diagnosed, I asked for a payment of U.S. $ S 1800.00 to remove it and to my refusal by the impossibility of that amount, he dismissed me with a "Do what you want ... but if you get the money is going to be blind, because the institution does not cover this type of operation. "
Some time later, the police report made to the legal department of the institution, and followed ... until I was able to appear more. I had a "cansera" ... At that time was with a large respiratory failure, crazy hard for me to move, and as "the doctor who attended me did in the morning, to declare the subpoenas were marked for mid-afternoon. Nothing more. Just a coincidence ...
repeated Uruguayans, have long been accustomed to not complain about anything. A silent mouth to the excesses and abuses, of which have "the upper hand." SAQ
This man, seems to me very similar to the committees of "Cuba Libre", which swarmed in the sixties, in the city of Montevideo, dedicated to throwing shit all day against the Cuban Revolution. The committee consisted of: "one who put the face and signed and two or three friends of him." All proven anti-Communists, of course.
I do not know ... if this meeting of companies have real legal life, if you have regular meetings, if you own premises, or if it is just an acronym, which stands for "lovers of money," transvestite of "justice for the Code."
The truth is, that the allegation is false. The diagnosis of whether they should operate or not, was reported by the night at the hotel we were staying, after visiting the preoperative clinic in the village Tarara, a day after our arrival on the island Cuba, on March 23 this year.
After being interviewed by one of four doctors (and with the results of blood test performed on arrival) receiving patients, I happened to talk with Dr. Michael ... (pa 'I forgot to ask see, your diploma duly attested by Notary, and only now I realize), in the next room, we waited four optometrists, we are subjected to three tests, before making entries on the history, who accompanied us throughout our stay - already underway for another room, where we waited for the medical chief, who first identified the need for intervention ..


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