Friday, June 9, 2006

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COCODRILAJE in high ... Caused
grace and wonder the statements of a prosecutor and a judge at the conclusion of the hearing which led to the imprisonment pending trial of the Director of the DGI, under the guise of "contempt for offenses" (suspended later on grounds of "offender" being primary). The gentlemen in question, when interviewed by journalists of a television channel, not only declared themselves "very sorry", but also saw them with their faces full of sadness. Crocodiles when chewing the calf of the NHU, often invaded by sadness and even a few tears leak. Hence the well-known phrase when someone says that so-shed "crocodile tears "....
Maybe some association of ideas or an uncontrolled neuron, it occurred to me that Uruguayan society, would be under the control of a large family of crocodiles. Members of the so-called
Constituted powers of the institutions called everyone claims to respect, but especially politicians, would be part of this big family, which some ill-intentioned, called the mafia. Let's see the crocodiles came on earth for more than 200 million years and appear to be eternal, since neither the cataclysm that ended the dinosaurs, brought an end to them. Politicians seem to be eternal, but not to panic. What is eternal in reality are the names that are repeated from the Carnival of 1928.
Crocodiles, spend long hours basking in the sun on the banks of rivers, but also floating in the water-silent, leaving only shows, eyes, nose and part of the back and tail, when they are looking for lunch. And when they get to bite into their prey, regularly immersed in water, to end their resistance, and eat.
Politicians tend to sunbathe, but in Punta del Este or like Cancun and the crocodiles are grilled, but the pool .. We have not seen dipping, but it has reached the ears of the politicians' smoke to below the water "...
Crocodiles have tough skin, dog spine very flexible (allowing them to easily bow, but do not. The political as well as the epidermis, their faces like stone, or " Stone "as a way to tell the people. And there is sufficient evidence that, for a career in politics, we must "learn to bend the spine" Politicians are used
institutions, such as crocodiles do with the rivers of the plains of the Serengeti, Tanzania (ÁfricaOriental) . For your own enjoyment. For no matter crocodiles herd of mammals, insist on crossing the river to reach the other side (and because they do not know.) You must pay the "toll" and soon. With politicians something similar happens, the tolls must be paid on the highway or on the road, when people move from one place to another. But as politicians have much more imagination than crocodiles, have extended the toll for all aspects of city life. The latter is like the calf of Nhu; weak even to moan and kick ... but, for live-now-pay "toll." In education, health, utilities and monopolies, be they good or bad. Even in the act of buying a head of lettuce is paid tolls. (Which is a kind of contribution to the happiness of a few). And when a politician in the discharge of their functions, "a mistake" and cause harm to the country should pay a little more than "toll" to plug the hole caused. When the crocodiles go "hunting" your lunch operate in corporate form, but without the view. Two or three bogan in the water as usual. The remainder, ie the rear sunbathe on the shore, also as usual. When the beasts that came out to drink began to cross the river, nothing changes. The crafty crocodile let the push back to the front and it becomes impossible to turn. Then the rear cocodrilera will join the squad who pretended to doze off in the river, to help ... and start the feast. Politicians-saving differences, also tend to take corporate actions, when one of them raises the suspicion of something shameful, or a friend, relative or friend, is "trapped" in a violation or irregularity. There are close ranks and be better than a defense of those selections Uruguayan soccer when he was not winning anyone, and the boys "hot" ... wash the honor of the blue, "down opponents'


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