Sunday, June 4, 2006

Service Disconnection Letter


REQUIRED ... We are forced to temporarily suspend-on-its supply of magazines and newspapers in Brazil.
incompetence and arrogance of some officials of the Customs Office in Montevideo
with highly paid positions and total lack of dealing with the public, made in the Territorial Operations division, we were treated not so elegant but des- as rude by an employee named Conrad personally last week, when we went in search of information, to compose a file.
This week, a woman named Rosario from the same division ... and to our telephone consultation, without the slightest consideration, "he concluded abruptly with a" I'm not here to answer your questions "...
Indeed, the call was due to concerns about being rejected the dossier submitted by our Broker, Mesa Input, in terms of submission. Apparently, new rules, promoted by the government collector of these "progressive trash" dress it demanded that an office each time you enter goods for border. So far we were getting two small packets per week, subject to the control of the customs guards, with the Brazilian newspaper Gazeta Mercantil, Folha de S. Paulo and some magazines such as Veja, Manequim or Quatro Rodas. The whole package was not enough to weigh out 5 kilos each twice.
As this new form of activity of representatives of government, further complicated the economic balance of the enterprise initiated and maintained for the past 21 years, we have decided to open a parenthesis, to go and look for our rights in this area or other .
With this attitude, the government "is concerned with social says," not only condemned to unemployment, this veteran of 65 years, with some heart conditions, but it also takes a little work the boy who clears border, the bus company that was carrying the parcel; the driver of the SUV and newsboy cast was reselling the product. Linda concern with social ... Enrique Cuadrado

Gambardella * * This text was not intended for Blog Lagomar sheet, but reviewing the files, I decided to include it, as I have, with others of the (my) past times.


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