Sunday, June 4, 2006

Travestites Histories

Tarara JOURNAL (9)

9 - CUBA nothing human is alien
None of the patients who embarked on 21 March, Cuba, was asked to support a statement prior to the Cuban government to achieve the long-awaited intervention. In the hearts and minds of those who returned, there should be eternally grateful for their hospitality and generosity the Cuban people. Many of these people recovered well from the view ... self-esteem. Probably none of them would meet the conditions of an operation in Montevideo, which would cost now ranges between U $ S U $ S 2800.00 and 3000.00.
The decision of the Cuban doctors to donate their knowledge and techniques, coupled with the initiative of the State, to afford the trip, internal transfers, lodging, food and some medicines, during the recovery period, it seems a matter of another world. However, it is not.
Cuba is a poor country with serious problems surviving the U.S. blockade. But he has resolved to extend a blanket humanity to his brothers also poor in Latin America, and "spread" a chain of solidarity, in all parts of the world that becomes necessary. Cuban society still suffers from some symptoms of capitalist globalization, corruption and diversion of the objectives because of the unnecessary accumulation of wealth.
On November 24, 2005, IAR News published a report Gerardo Arreola, a severe critic of Fidel at the highest levels of government in Cuba.
"Castro spoke last week to launch the ethics and internal control against the massive theft of public funds and the black market, but had not used up to now so hurtful tone against senior officials. In his long speech at the University of Havana, between Thursday and Friday last, Castro raised his looks and shot the first line of the government. "It's hard, but I say," said the Cuban leader. "Some ministers have been weak, and very deficient." "We can not walk with Weaknesses: I attack, criticize me." "In his extensive brief, warned the generations who will lead Cuba in the future that the country must eliminate corruption or destroy itself, the political system emerged from the 1959 revolution." In an unusual passenger, said the State "is accustomed in a way to negotiate with ministers, and replied immediately: "the central state administration must not negotiate with any minister has to give orders."

The siege of the capitalists, has not ceased after 47 years blockade. to drugs needed to save a life, have been prevented from reaching the island, as in the case of Rolando Perez Quintosa, one of the martyrs of Tarara, already mentioned in this paper ..
The Saturday, April 15 2006, the newspaper La Jornada of Mexico complained that: "The U.S. government launched a campaign of political pressure to prevent the integration of Cuba to the Human Rights Council United Nations, today unveiled the newspaper La Jornada. "In a dispatch from its correspondent in Geneva, Switzerland, headquarters of the agency, the newspaper gave details of a letter from U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to bolster that claim." (Mexico, April 15 (PL)
Just another twist, think ... Maybe because in '59, the Americans could not impose another puppet, as were used (and still are). My dream libertarian society more just, I became a reality in Cuba. Possibly, many years away, so that everything is perfect, but this can be attributed to the human condition and not know to what extent, a perfect society and without fail, it could make up my utopia.
Uruguayans are, in my view, several steps down, in terms of awareness. The referendum that pardoned the military dictatorship was a trap. All that was written and heard about Cuba in the last forty-odd years, was conceived and composed by those who invented three years ago that the Iraq of Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction and spent weeks, months , days and nights, would say years, to destroy this country defenseless.


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