Sunday, June 4, 2006

How Do You Know If Table Is Solid Wood?

Tarara (11)

is known that long ago should have forgotten the legend of Uruguayan claw "and the myth of" the resiliency native ", so common in the period Batlle of Uruguay. These concepts are repeated through generations ... were converted into true "institutions" and today, there is no reason to be proud, but insist on its repetition.
The "claw charrúa" possibly arose from the Uruguayan soccer events in the Olympics of 1924 (Colombes), 1928 (Amsterdam) and reaffirmed the victories world in 1930, against the locals (Montevideo) and 1950 (Rio de Janeiro) against the mighty Brazilians. The brilliant inventor of the adjective, probably forgot how they were killed the previous charrúas in our territory.
The "lively Creole" is defined as a skill, minimum effort or sense of humor. Francis Bacon said that "there is nothing worse than consider wise, rogues."
"People have a notion of themselves and like very much to realize that notion, that look that carry over centuries, of themselves, achieve it in ways, characters, attitudes, legends, myths." (José Ignacio Cabruja, the January 12, 1995, during a conference on Labour Culture, organized by the Foundation Sivensa, at the Ateneo de Caracas, Venezuela). He continues later Cabruja: "It is the result of three exiles, three provisional figures: a) the indigenous inhabitants, the Indian, who was expelled from their territory, their beliefs, their lives, for whom the notion of work not existed. Why?, If the earth gives and I take it. Why plant?, Why make a garden? If all this land was a garden. b) Another character is black, ripped from the Ivory Coast, his land, his love of all that could generate a feeling. They put him in a boat and brought him to this land and said it works, why?, Why? And c) The English came into exile. Coming to America meant a punishment, a misfortune, a fatality, was living in a country of second. Here there came the eldest son, came the second son, who did not serve, the adventurer. "He came to work?, No, why? He came to get rich, real life was in Spain, this was a transit country. "
The "lively Creole" occurs in a narrow strip of human relationships, in which a character travels a path dangerously racist, choosing as recipient another character considered (by him) as more silly, less educated or at least worth a trip.
(zancadilla. (Del dim.'s Stride). f. Action to cross someone's leg between the other person to make him lose balance and fall. 2. Coloq. Stratagem that was demolished or intends to demolish someone from a position or title). Reference Library Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2005. © 1993-2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
But calm ... all peoples are those who feel more alive, and take advantage of the innocence and naivete, or the willingness of partners to pass the leg. Calculation
at 700 or 800 patients (and 100 guests) foreigners who were mobilized by the village in the nearly twenty days we stayed there. I base this on the conversations I had with managers of different gourmet dining and in discussions held daily with a dear friend, the dealer. Of these some 120 Uruguayans. In particular, as one of the patients benefited from the attention of the Cuban people and for all the kindnesses received, I regret some "stoked" as diabetic, which being reported last night that the next day would be clinic or hospital, was given "the such beatings" of various sugars (queues, jams and sweets), causing the rapid increase of glucose, avoiding the completion of their treatment and thus prolonging their stay (with all expenses paid) for a few weeks more. There were other "uruguayeses" but enough to show a button, we are left with this. I must say that I know that the Cuban people is a poor village, so much ... or more than ours. And what they're doing with the Mission Milagro, must demand a great sacrifice and great effort of all Cubans ... (related or unrelated to the Mission). The attitude of this poor boy (also poor in every way in which you want to look), in addition to postpone the trip and treatment a fellow who needed it, making us think that vivillos "of America and the World" ... still going to "gears up" a few years or more generations, found that education and ethics must be instilled - such as vaccines, in the early years, to turn on ...


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