Sunday, June 4, 2006

Jack Jack Costume The Incredibles

Tarara (4) DAILY

4 - Villa Tarara - A BIT OF HISTORY
Cuba Island of Gran Antilla was called by the Iberians, as the largest in the Caribbean. And, from copper mines, discovered in the territory, the English crown, took the natives for the extraction of mineral subsequently was used for the manufacture of pieces of artillery for defense. From the Villa Tarara, then called Village Tarara (our home for 19 days), and from their surroundings, leaving ships and cargo, in the sixteenth century to Spain. The name of Tarara, arises when the English military detachments caring boarding operations, played the trumpet to call the Indians and begin work. There was the ta-ra-ra of the trumpet, that the natives, later adopted the name for that zone, coastal. To date, Tarara beach is called Playa del Cobre and Copper Avenue waterfront promenade. Closer in time in the nineteenth century, the descendants of Indians and mestizos called mambises English, Tarara and nearby villages participated actively in the struggle for the independence of Cuba against the English.
On August 3, 1912, and in the twentieth century, is created in the society The Tarará Land Company, originally composed of three members of North American origin living in Cuba. Its first president was Mr Royal S. Webster said the company intended to use Tarará with a social, industrial, commercial and residential. Over the years, the beauty of the place, made the society were inclined to tourism, as paramount. In 1927, he created the Yacht Club for recreational and built some bungalows. Begins a period marked by real estate speculation, followed in time of financial speculation. In 1943 the land offered for sale, new partners are made and built 525 houses, forming a private residential area for the enjoyment of small and middle bourgeoisie. Still built at the mouth of the river, also known as Tarara, a spring according to the American novelist Ernest Hemingway, was the safest of Havana.
novelist used to come up there for drinks and admire the changing colors of the sea. Today only remains in place, the skeleton, pier and near, have installed a water sports center and a pier (sea) from where the captain Carlos Muñoz, European tourists out walking, Coral reefs in the vicinity.
exists in the local museum, erected in memory of the martyrs of Tarara. A bloody event occurred on January 8th 1992. Indeed, at night the 33 th anniversary of the entry of Fidel Castro in Havana in 1959. The news spread throughout the world for "North blondes", and repeated ad nauseum, so Uruguayan media, spoke of shot, for having attempted to steal a boat to flee the island. Barely concealed frustration that the robbers attacked by surprise guards Marina Tarara. They tied them up, after beating them with a pipe of proportion, and ultimately shot and killed machine gun, still tied
.. On the occasion, were shot 4 guards. One of them, Rolando Pérez Quintosa, survived several months in the hospital and was able to identify one of the attackers, who finally managed to escape. Of the others, one that already had a history of violence resulting in death, was shot, and two others sentenced to long prison terms of 30 years, remaining in prison. In his confession, one of them told the whole plane, which included the poisoning of water which supplied the "camp" for children of Chernobyl and then flee, and be welcomed as heroes in Florida. The zeal and care, managers of the vessels, made these removed some parts of the engines of boats, without which they could not leave. In the room where the guards were killed, yet the holes are large caliber bullets, the ropes that were tied up and the iron pipe, with which they were beaten. The truth is this, and not the other is told here ....
In one of the rooms of the museum, there are some lines printed on a poster saying: "MURDER IS DISGUSTING ... KILL UNARMED MEN AND TIE IS monstrous, and DA IDEA OF WHAT YOU CAN EXPECT OUR PEOPLE counterrevolution OF THE REACTION and imperialism. " It is signed by Fidel ...
For many years, the Yankees lie, in their quest for world domination, or twist things to make the world as they want. Fortunately, recent evidence shows that the rule of "the blond of the North"-yet-is coming down ... is over, as were finished in time for ... other empires.


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