Sunday, June 4, 2006

Where Can I Buy A Snoop Dogg Blue Bandana Jacket?


morondanga. (From Morondo and-anga). f. Something useless and immaterial. 2. Mixture of useless things. 3. Mess, confusion. of ~. loc. adj. derogatory. Worthless, of little value. (Reference Library Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2005.)

The system of government, or rather the form of "rule", which is installed in the country, from March 1, 2005, accumulated arrogance, mediocrity and bad manners. This week the media reported about the new logo of the Municipality of Montevideo. As if changing the "logo" or the designation, serve to alter the behavior of power to citizens. The proud of the message: "Montevideo for all" serves as a clay patch, the hype itself. Few among the million and some of the inhabitants of the "very faithful and reconquer", would be encouraged to sign the official message. A few days ago, walking through the neighborhood south road to the Rambla ... I came across with the Office of Commercial Management IMM, and I went curious to see how it worked. There was a gentleman at the counter, customer service, explaining to an officer, who was unemployed, which contained cups of wheels on the street that recovered, the polished and sold to interested parties went through a corner of a street . (Those who use those cups, which only serve to beautify the wheels - they know that if not properly dams, any well or sloping terrain makes them jump and can be replaced only if found in one corner, a similar). Typically, these pieces are sold in packs of 4 units, and cost a few hundred dollars, while the same or similar in "shopping for corner ", is achieved by a few pesos. The man asked for a permission to" make a daily "and take some money for your home. I had three young children heard him say. The first officer after telling that the permits were suspended , handed "the baton" to another officer who heard the same arguments, repeated the statement made by his colleague and left in the hands of a man named White, who allegedly was the Director of the office. The man repeated for the third time around , adding that without a permit, inspectors forced him to retire and threatened to get the goods if they found him again. But he could not move the employee of the municipality, as a pretext to put orders. I was half watching hot attention to that man, I went to the first official (not solve anything) and request a permit to sell at the fair. Argument presented as having 65 years, unemployed and unemployed, living alone, and suffer from diseases such as diabetes and heart failure. Gave me a little nervous "pass" a colleague Teresa ... a step before getting to Mr. White. Who treated me very uncomfortable, a little because he could not solve anything, given that the order came from "above", and partly because he saw that I was not "asking", but inquiring into the reasons why such treatment was given to the people there why the service concurred worked so far to City Hall and executives in the last electoral farce, had vowed to solve the problems of the people? and because what is now hiding behind secretaries and assistants, porters and junior officers, that nothing could be solved?
Your reply swallowing-was that it was a political problem, but I was not clear whether he meant a political problem as a whole ... or a "political" problem of politicians, who promised without any compromise - which then fail could give.
Rulers like these abound in the Latin American poor, mestizo and exploited, using lies as a springboard. And getting anything or anyone to change anything. Possibly, many of which today
seek help and support ... have been his constituents (believing in one change announced) but all that has been in the quartermaster, was hunting on the charges and the prosecution of newcomers emepepistas against the slopes, old. Montevideo
occupiers ... "for all" as being only "for some", I would say this "system of government" of morondanga. Enrique Cuadrado
Gambardella for Lagomar Sheet, Http://


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