Saturday, July 1, 2006

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29/01/2004 - The mayor of Canelones, Tabaré Hackembruch, acknowledged in an interview with the weekly that circulated Search U $ S 800 000 official publicity about "urgency" because there were exceptional items during the first year management that led to publications as urgently as possible. In mid 2001, the IMC said it had committed to U $ S 294 000 in advertising media traffic department, U $ S 655 000 in the national media (U $ S 199 000 for the daily La República, 99 000 U $ S for Ultimas News and U $ S 69 000 for the country).

27/02/2004 - The APU repudiated the decision taken by Henderson & Co. company. (Supermarkets Tienda Inglesa) to prevent the sale of the weekly Brecha in the local supermarket chain. On Friday February 13 Gap had published a report on the repression of children in street begging in stores puntaesteña, requested the police and others in this chain.

26/05/2004 - During a luncheon hosted by the Uruguayan Chamber of paid TV, former president Luis Alberto Lacalle acknowledged he made a "mistake" to have "seeded" permits the use of waves, both TV radio. He admitted that during his tenure and the second of Julio María Sanguinetti authorizations are granted without the necessary feasibility studies and economic trade. He also acknowledged that many of the permisarios called "advertising" to finance their projects and as though that were not profitable, many of these waves disappeared or were sold to third parties. Concluded that he had acted "innocently in this matter."

19/06/2004 - Minister of Economy and Finance Isaac Alfie, said in a shrill to journalists who were covering an event on investments in Uruguay, who before would have applied only to ask questions on the subject of the meeting. After the interview, compared to certain questions of the reporters referred to a possible increase to retirees, as intemperate chided reporters who asked a question of undoubted public interest. "I do not break more eggs, I will give no more interviews," said Alfie from the account of the Republic.

05/08/2004 - The President Jorge Batlle was involved in an incident with an Argentine journalist of the "Who Drop Drop" with whom he was angry and tried to take his microphone to the questions that the professional will perform on the environmental effects of a paper mill to be installed on the River Uruguay.

05/08/2004 - The Codex admonished some of his officials for making statements about an investigation in the area of \u200b\u200bthe body. The Codex is understood that only its members compete to comment on education policy and to instruct investigators or consultants to produce reports on the progress of these policies, and being the codex, the interest in these studies, it will decide whether the information should be known elsewhere. Not being unreasonable, they say well, they become aware of information through the media.

29/09/2004 - Cameraman Enrique Bianchi was fired from TV station VTV after a call to Walter Sanchez, director of the Press Secretary and Outreach Chair (SEPREDI) conduct to the authorities to complain that media coverage that the professional place in the Liberty Building. The next day Bianchi was reinstated in office after his colleagues did see VTV authorities violation of press freedom meant the measure, besides the injustice of the situation. SOME

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Censorship exercises practiced in Spain and reported in recent years
by the Uruguayan Press Association are very interesting to review. Due to space constraints, We have selected some episodes in our view, demolish, the hypocritical statements of members of the power that we talk about the importance of plurality of views, the foundation of "our democracy."

Thursday August 28, 2003 .- The Deputy State Attorney General in administrative litigation, Silvana Ness Lenoble, concluded in its opinion on the award for TV subscribers by the administration of Luis Lacalle in 1994, that the Executive did not act "in accordance with law because self-limiting its discretion" (y) "because it relied on (...) powers which the law does not assigned." He adds that the Executive Branch of the time violated "constitutional and legal principles, making it liable to cancellation

Wednesday 17 - The criminal judge Gerardo Peduzzi believes that Channel 10 is not properly discharged the sentence referred to the right answer ready for him, before a claim Association Kiosks, Fairs and subagents Quinielas and issues new statement condemning the Canal 10 to repeat the original message.

Tuesday 7 - Cristina Olaso, legal advisor to the Uruguayan Chamber of paid TV (Cuta) reports on the radio viewer into the disappearance of a file (No. 1617-2002), based in the Ministry of Economy and Finance, in which the denouncing of "abuse monopoly position "to companies and Equital Tenfield.

Sunday 26 .- Journalists from various media are insulted and evicted under the threat of use of force, Aguada club that develops the eighth congress of the central workers (PIT-CNT).

Wednesday, 19 .- The Chamber of Deputies unanimously approved a draft law on protecting the author rights journalism and save a default in the country since 1937, was approved Law No. 9.739 of copyright.
Friday 21 .- The staff of the newspaper La República, supported by the APU and the PIT-CNT, took the facilities to demand union rights.

Monday 24 .- Fasano distributed through kiosks selling newspapers and magazines printed material that describes the members of the union of media workers (APU) and the Central Workers (PIT-CNT) of " louts of death "," scoundrels "," left-fascist "," pirates, "" extremists, "" kidnappers "" felons "slanderers", "gangrene seudosindical", "slanderous" liars "," ignoble " "carriers" of "incontinence ethics", "brain lost," walkers ". "Polpotistas" among other insults

Friday 28 .- The management of Channel 10, the union announced that 21 of the 45 workers who were in the unemployment insurance since December 2002, will not be reinstated in their jobs.
Alberto Grille, editor of the Faces and Masks, from their midst, attempts to discredit the president of APU, Manuel Méndez, who is part of the delegation that negotiated with the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, the conflict in the Republic. Marcelo Ortega
director of 1410 AM FREE, threatens to fire journalists Canyon World program, which airs on that station, after interviewing one of the workers of the newspaper La República. Tuesday 2 .-

Fasano, after 11 days of occupation, lifting the trade dispute and reappearance of the daily La República, cuirassiers service contracts (especially trained in riot police), armed with flak jackets whose mission is to patrol every hour the facility (editing, printing, deposits) has duplication of security guards from a private company and reinforces the isolation of workers by adding metal plates to the existing grid at the perimeter of the newspaper.
This Relatorio was prepared by the Press Freedom Committee pursuant to the resolution of the Central Executive Council (CDC) in January 1999 APU.

29/01/2004 - The mayor of Canelones, Tabaré Hackembruch, acknowledged in an interview with the Search distributed by U $ S 800 000 official publicity about "urgency" because there were exceptional items during the first years of his administration that led to publications as urgently as possible. In mid 2001, the IMC said it had committed to U $ S 294 000 in advertising media traffic department, U $ S 655 000 in the national media (U $ S 199 000 for the daily La República, 99 000 U $ S for Ultimas News and U $ S 69 000 for the country).

27/02/2004 - The APU repudiated the resolution adopted by Henderson & Co. company. (Supermarkets Tienda Inglesa) to prevent the sale of the weekly Brecha in the local supermarket chain. The Friday, February 13 Gap had published a report on the repression of children in street begging in stores puntaesteña, requested the police and others in this chain.

26/05/2004 - During a luncheon hosted by the Uruguayan Chamber of paid TV, former president Luis Alberto Lacalle acknowledged he made a "mistake" to have "seeded" permits the use of waves, both TV radio. He admitted that during his tenure and the second of Julio María Sanguinetti authorizations are granted without the necessary feasibility studies and economic trade. He also acknowledged that many permisarios asked the "advertising" to finance their projects and as though that were not profitable, many of these waves disappeared or were sold to third parties. Concluded that he had acted "innocently in this matter."

19/06/2004 - Minister of Economy and Finance Isaac Alfie, said in a shrill to journalists who were covering an event on investments in Uruguay, who before would have applied only to ask questions on the subject of the meeting. After the interview, address certain questions of the reporters referred to a possible increase to retirees, as intemperate rebuked reporters that he was asked a question of undoubted public interest. "I do not break more eggs, I will give no more interviews," said Alfie from the account of the Republic.

05/08/2004 - The President Jorge Batlle was involved in an incident with an Argentine journalist of the "Who Drop Drop" with whom he was angry and tried to take his microphone to the questions that the professional will perform on the environmental effects of a paper mill to be installed on the River Uruguay.

05/08/2004 - The Codex admonished some of his officials for making statements about an investigation in the area of \u200b\u200bthe body. The Codex is understood that only its members compete to comment on education policy and to instruct investigators or consultants to produce reports on the progress of these policies, and being the codex, the interest in these studies, it will decide whether the information should be known elsewhere. Not being unreasonable, they say well, they become aware of information through the media.

29/09/2004 - Cameraman Enrique Bianchi was fired from the television channel VTV after a call to Walter Sanchez, director of the Press Secretary and Outreach Chair (SEPREDI), conduct the authorities of that medium to complain about the professional coverage held in the Liberty Building. The next day Bianchi was reinstated in office after his colleagues did see VTV authorities violation of press freedom meant the measure, besides the injustice of the situation.

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Censorship, exercises the power, whatever their origin, against any citizen to instill fear and force to obedience to laws, regulations, decrees and regulations, no missing conventions. and other high-level conchavos
Personally, I had the displeasure of being censored in the newspaper the day, then Editorial Secretary Jose Pereyra Gonzalez, who used to maul my notes. It was in 1959, and the cause, a salute to the Cuban Revolution, the day after the victory.
The second time was in RADIO CARVE when presenting a musical under the name of the Uruguayan industry in año1968 The cause was a campaign for the enactment of a law under the national artist ... and the phone call from a Uruguayan percussionist making a recommendation to the politicians. The call came on the air and 30 seconds later Mr. Paul Fontaine in the door of the study became the great censor.
The third time it happened in the old CX 42, RADIO VANGUARD, located in the building where there is still the Teatro Stella D'Italia, in 1969, the program was called "the anger" and consisted of songs, performers and composers, and political commentary Uruguayan-bit sympathetic, dedicated to sending more in the time, Jorge Pacheco Areco.
The censor at the time, was Alberto Reynal Pacific (ex CX 8) at that time confidant of the owners
As phonogram producer even before the dictatorship, three of my works were banned in 1970, an LP juanlacazino Ricardo oF Collazo-containing "Freedom" - and another of sanducero Aníbal Sampayo with Coastal in which included among others "View Pattern" and "Mr. President" and the simple version of the March of the anger of the Demons, a rock group of Belvedere.
I want to acknowledge that in other years, but was censored by my ex-wife, at some time, and make clear that one should not accept censorship wherever it comes, or come from any quarter.
censorship on TV has been a constant. A few years ago had an impact which occurred on Channel 10, in June 2002 - had risen CQC (Who Drop Drop) of Pergolini and Co, of its programming. The program produced in Argentina, was a good television product creative, well informed and very irreverent. CQC, reviewed the company from the nearby shore, with sharp criticism and a lot of irony. In short, "he teased" the power and ridiculed the authority. With the "breakers" that left the former Eastern president, did not take long to have him as white. And from that moment on, his envoys came to be harassed on the go, for the city. To show how great was the respect for others' ideas, the former Director of Sepredi himself, (a certain Sanchez), came to "box" to a journalist CQC, when the inmates in 2004. Canal authorities 10 (funny prebend of State) argued that the program had been "raised" because of low ratting. Or, in other words, the limited audience. ...
Then it was the turn Lanata. A Buenos Aires means "chanta" also tried to intervene, Eastern public opinion, from a program on Channel 12, exposing some sins, jealously hidden by most mídia that had already been reported by some independent vehicles ... and ran from mouth to mouth among the population.
The apology in this case was the low economic return that "the Lanata.Uy" got. A Revelio of pretexts, all was not of gross acts of private censorship. Who lives in this society, where many things happen, and everything is hidden, the use of censorship, is seen as a way to "put some order in the house" and reaffirms the idea that communicators are "subject "what the company wants or force. Official censorship for years, was incorporated as another tool of government. Applied in subtle ways: denying loans, cutting advertising guidelines, disqualifying and making recommendations to the foot of the ear ... until tearing their hair out when they claim that the criticisms are being endangered "against the Uruguayan lifestyle" ...
Meanwhile, Channel 10 will continue providing a wonderful cultural service, putting in several programs
weekly display "turn off and go" and Channel 12-free at last of that "such a big Lanata" ... will continue to illustrate the mediocrity of its programming, five days a week with the "educational" Mr. Tinelli ... spaces may lose some viewers, but win-with-security branch thank

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Some exercises censorship in our country, will occupy pages of contemporary history for future generations reading. As an example we recall a frustrated Dino performance in the town of Rivera in the warm years of the dictatorship. In those years had to be-to seek permission to organize a show, besides mentioning the type of show, specify name and surname of "actuators" and if by chance, was a recital of popular song-writing present in 5-way names and song lyrics. Well, the military authorities of the time-as they did before, "gave permission which was later repealed, 10 minutes before. At that point, the cinema hall was packed. Powered amplification, the guitar tuned in the corresponding. Everything will soon ... when the order came that the function was suspended. Dino could not sing and the public should be withdrawn in order and return to their homes, without any kind of demonstration against the decision of the "high command" local. Oddly enough people were starting to retire dépointage, when the speakers began to hear the first chords of "Milonga de Pelo Largo. The public turned to know that was what was happening and saw the stage as the curtains opened and a chair with a guitar on top, framed under a beam of 4 bins, which left the rest of the stage completely dark. Dino had inadvertently brought him an LP to illustrate an interview on the radio and that "saved the night." The lieutenant who was in command of the suspension, had no choice but to accept the arguments of counsel for the organizers, that "dribble" was legal. The Dino was forbidden was on stage (although we agree that the disk diffusion was prohibited throughout the national territory and the soldier did not know, or chose to ignore)
This episode served to other "dribbling" censorship. The duo Labarnois - Carrero had to be submitted for action "to benefit" in a neighborhood club from the capital. In the evening, minutes before taking the stage, reached the news that one of its members was forbidden and could not arise. The other appeared as if nothing had happened, he began playing and singing, to the applause of the audience continued. At times it seemed they were the two ....
And really, they were. Only one above and one below the stage, using the microphone that had aacercado organizers.
Right in 1984 in Porto Alegre, visit Dino and Directions, also caused some concern in those who had scheduled a concert in the Auditorium of the Legislative Assembly Gaucho. With the invaluable support of Glênio Peres, a former mayor and congressman, it could be circumventing the requirements of the "police" Federal "until it was time for the titles and lyrics of the songs ....
sure that we were bigger and more organized. It was presented to the authorities a list of almost childish-teen music (like "lift up the barriers, to pass the Lamplighter ..." and / or "I have a golden-haired bride, Bimba I fondly call it ..." of another unforgettable friend (Dumont old mate Zorrilla). spent. Just in case requested the presence of some MPs, something to abort any attempt to suspend the show and "turn on" some of the musicians. The room filled with 700 exiles sang choir songs more representative of the current rebel, revolutionary and popular at the time. Another dribble
censorship that touched me was on the occasion of the arrival of the vocal quartet MPB4, Porto Alegre ... when the Brazilian dictatorship became harder. A friend who worked at the Theatre Leopoldina, invited me to see the test group was known for having accompanied Chico Buarque de Holanda in the interpretation of "Roda Viva" at the Festival of the Record, in 1967 the boys "went "music and" reviewed "the sound for the night.
At the exit, Federal agents, delivered an official document told them to not sing certain songs, among them "Despite você" ("Despite você, Amanhã must be outro day" ...). The show in the evening was spent with the entire theater cheering and applauding the musicians. And they really have refrained from singing você spite of, just in the end, when the show was over one of the members admitted into the microphone, which had avoided that song to not go to jail ... but also added that if the public wanted to, he gave his foot ... and hummed the opening bars. Outside the theater was thrilling, the retired public voice singing the lyrics censored neck as "men of law" were desperate ... trying to locate, as here, who sang higher, or with greater fervor.

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A libertarian voice heard at dawn, apparently out of the ether. I heard at dawn today, some messages from other listeners claiming "its absence." and tried to figure out what happened, but without success.
The man, a professional mixed farming, speaker, and commentator, came "charging" attitudes of government, using strong language and strong opposition to the installation of polluting plants, cellulose and other "projects" government, and ... exercise a tenacious criticism against the bugs, the descriptions and the improvisations of the authorities.
He was proud of his freedom of action ... and many listeners showed what they identified in part or totally with him. But it was a matter of time, to "step on someone's corns" (it was, or feel important) and that the owner of the station is saturated with complaints, the shot for his criticism. The man was called to management a few days ago and apparently, not more ... the libertarian who spoke with passion of life is no more. It seems that there was scarcely man of agriculture, at least the air. Ojala
be so.
Censorship is directly related to freedom of expression. And it is equally exercised by the branches of government, business pimps, or bourgeois societies and religions.
pimp ta. (The AR. Hisp. Alqawwád, and east of ar. Class. Qawwād). m. and f. Person by masks or facilitates a relationship, usually illegal. 2. coloq. Person or thing that serves to cover up what you want to hide). Reference Library Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2005. Old
If censorship will come from the beginning of time. The first sensor that records of mankind, was that Mr heater, who criticized the first lady of paradise ... and his faithful husband, for biting the apple. No matter such events occurred and the final. There were only two of them. And therefore, as a fact without a source "informed" the thing is left to the imagination of each ...
censorship Although sometimes amused by the ridiculous arguments for the latter, no less an abuse the individual ... as well. The censorship exercised against everything we believe in the person's thinking, whether written, spoken, filmed, painted, sculptured or merely imagined. Censorship is, as the younger sister of the ban. Where is power, the practitioner, the path followed is: 1 Prior censorship, 2 Auto censorship, 3 º Censorship, 4 º Prohibition, 5 Unemployment and 6 Cana
At the time of the dictatorship, told me "because" was traveling elsewhere - that the soldadenga "marked off" the boys of high school when they sang the song ... because they "could not" put much emphasis in the verse, "the homeland or the tomb." And do not sing with great fervor, as in: "tyrants tremble" ...
censorship. (Del lat. Censoring). f. Opinion and judgments made or given on a work or writing. 2. Note, correction or reproof something. 3. Gossip, detraction. 4. Intervention exercises gubernatorial censor. 5. External forum ecclesiastical penalty imposed for any offense under the Canons.
Incredibly, in our country just a trap was repaired last November 19, 2003 when the House of Representatives unanimously approved a draft law on protecting the author rights journalism and save an omission the country since 1937, which adopted the Law No. 9.739 of copyright. (S Report 2003 of the Press Association - APU). When
Censorship does not resolve, and still decides to report criticized the censorship of the press as it did Rodolfo Jorge Walsh during the dictatorship in Argentina; well pursued, free thinker can be "disappeared" ... On March 25th of '77, Rodolfo Walsh, founder of Prensa Latina, was kidnapped and murdered by soldiers, hours after making public the content of an Open Letter to the military leadership of his country.
sometimes and knowing the difficulties in moving people is critical, installed in the power elite, is often more subtle and partly to "tighten" the economic siege, suspending state advertisements in the media of the opposition; others ... spread generously's money to encourage friends and supporters.

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I already saw her coming ...

me the permission I ALREADY COME ...
was possible that the arrogance of the president of the Republic, ending up in a post like that happened this last week of June 2006. Only
is missing an edict'd better hope:
First of all, it was a lie.
When he finished the splendor of the feast of poise and a journalist asked him how would cost spree, (with the same look later use with "halconeza" Rice) said nothing. When "the return of the caravan that brought Europe, another reporter asked how it would have cost the travel and stay in the old world, said nothing
When amputated authorized symbol of the sun in the middle, and changed the solar field, by the green clouds of the pulp mills, did not respond at all.
A this guy people voted for him, also betrayed by her speech. And for hiding part of his "resume." (7 year period between 1980 and 1987).
After (I assume that before) decided to create an inter-agency official, proper and "advised" hierarchical tables not to give statements to the press, and stop buying from the collections of local newspapers that the newsboys ... had already fallen by the wayside, when former President Jorge Batlle had suspended payments. (Which cáiganse chair, also lived blinded by the collection of journalists, in the particular case of it, all Left ..!!!
Public opinion considered the 4 th power, a few years ago. The other three branches of government: Judicial, Legislative and Executive branches were independent
Now with this attempt to progressive government (must be referred to the Progress Club Division 2), this gentleman decided in the executive. Requires the legislature to vote for what he wants, even with the complicity of some former "revolutionaries" - stuck to thugs (with the right to change the whole direction of a political group) to serve their purposes. And yet, press the judiciary, through a minister of his cabinet. Now throw shit everywhere, because is incompetent and does not deceive anyone else, and pretend that people do not think, do not read and do not say, and he only created it-is a dream that will not be able to meet.
. Today at noon, was pitiful attempt by another minister (Rossi), to defend it. Interviewed by Omar Gutierrez on Channel 4 (the canary was hot as a "stone sauna"), and I made some questions, the member of the list 738, failed to respond objectively. The end of the interview, the following results: Gutierrez 4; Rossi 0. The minister said
and retracted, mixed concepts on freedom of expression, information and opinion public and left his chair in offside, saying what he wants is to touch all the bells (must be under pressure from Maria Auxiliadora, for in the Masonic lodges do not touch the bells), forgetting the "board "with 250 elected they were all agreed with him (the president), and in which restricted access of journalists (probably all conspirators against him), and billboards were placed around the bunker of the presidency, to ward off Popular those who disagreed with the installation of pollution-si sir Pulp Mills.
At this pace, at any time, the government, (and was well clear who is and who gives orders, the rest confined to contribute), we will sell to some American mobster, a piece of land, to install a trailer casino brothel, near where it was going to install a U.S. Navy base. (Lagomar, June 28, 2006)
Enrique Cuadrado Gambardella, for Lagomar Road Blog. Http://
* anarchists do not we die together

Friday, June 9, 2006

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COCODRILAJE in high ... Caused
grace and wonder the statements of a prosecutor and a judge at the conclusion of the hearing which led to the imprisonment pending trial of the Director of the DGI, under the guise of "contempt for offenses" (suspended later on grounds of "offender" being primary). The gentlemen in question, when interviewed by journalists of a television channel, not only declared themselves "very sorry", but also saw them with their faces full of sadness. Crocodiles when chewing the calf of the NHU, often invaded by sadness and even a few tears leak. Hence the well-known phrase when someone says that so-shed "crocodile tears "....
Maybe some association of ideas or an uncontrolled neuron, it occurred to me that Uruguayan society, would be under the control of a large family of crocodiles. Members of the so-called
Constituted powers of the institutions called everyone claims to respect, but especially politicians, would be part of this big family, which some ill-intentioned, called the mafia. Let's see the crocodiles came on earth for more than 200 million years and appear to be eternal, since neither the cataclysm that ended the dinosaurs, brought an end to them. Politicians seem to be eternal, but not to panic. What is eternal in reality are the names that are repeated from the Carnival of 1928.
Crocodiles, spend long hours basking in the sun on the banks of rivers, but also floating in the water-silent, leaving only shows, eyes, nose and part of the back and tail, when they are looking for lunch. And when they get to bite into their prey, regularly immersed in water, to end their resistance, and eat.
Politicians tend to sunbathe, but in Punta del Este or like Cancun and the crocodiles are grilled, but the pool .. We have not seen dipping, but it has reached the ears of the politicians' smoke to below the water "...
Crocodiles have tough skin, dog spine very flexible (allowing them to easily bow, but do not. The political as well as the epidermis, their faces like stone, or " Stone "as a way to tell the people. And there is sufficient evidence that, for a career in politics, we must "learn to bend the spine" Politicians are used
institutions, such as crocodiles do with the rivers of the plains of the Serengeti, Tanzania (ÁfricaOriental) . For your own enjoyment. For no matter crocodiles herd of mammals, insist on crossing the river to reach the other side (and because they do not know.) You must pay the "toll" and soon. With politicians something similar happens, the tolls must be paid on the highway or on the road, when people move from one place to another. But as politicians have much more imagination than crocodiles, have extended the toll for all aspects of city life. The latter is like the calf of Nhu; weak even to moan and kick ... but, for live-now-pay "toll." In education, health, utilities and monopolies, be they good or bad. Even in the act of buying a head of lettuce is paid tolls. (Which is a kind of contribution to the happiness of a few). And when a politician in the discharge of their functions, "a mistake" and cause harm to the country should pay a little more than "toll" to plug the hole caused. When the crocodiles go "hunting" your lunch operate in corporate form, but without the view. Two or three bogan in the water as usual. The remainder, ie the rear sunbathe on the shore, also as usual. When the beasts that came out to drink began to cross the river, nothing changes. The crafty crocodile let the push back to the front and it becomes impossible to turn. Then the rear cocodrilera will join the squad who pretended to doze off in the river, to help ... and start the feast. Politicians-saving differences, also tend to take corporate actions, when one of them raises the suspicion of something shameful, or a friend, relative or friend, is "trapped" in a violation or irregularity. There are close ranks and be better than a defense of those selections Uruguayan soccer when he was not winning anyone, and the boys "hot" ... wash the honor of the blue, "down opponents'

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The return trip: Havana - Montevideo, began on April 10, 2006, at 11:30 am in a blue sky dotted with cumulus nimbus. The announcement of the Comandante Rodriguez, was that it would be flying at an altitude of 37 thousand feet and a cruising speed of 850 kms. per hour non-stop-Carrasco arriving around 20 hours. One of the escapades and caring for Board Commissioners, which had brought us to Cuba, named Nancy, also accompanied us on the return trip. A las12: 25, Commander, informed passengers that the plane was flying over the island of Jamaica. An hour later we were again flying over land and was able to observe the immensity of the Orinoco Delta on the coast of Venezuela.
From there, (it was difficult to distinguish what is happening below), we lost visual contact, because of the cloud mass that stood between the air and soil. When the cloud layer began to fade, the night was winning the sky, and it was impossible to see anything outside the glare of city lights, over which we passed. we flew so high that the temperature outside the aircraft marked 57 º negative. We played
soil, at 21:00 Carrasco Uruguay, exactly as had been planned by Commander Rodriguez, 8 hours after leaving the airport José Martí, taking into account the difference of an hour. When the IL 62 of the Cubana de Aviación "after taxiing down the runway, finally stopped in front of the terminal building, patients and their companions, the crew clapped and cheered.
Possibly this is not the last time I refer to Cuba, to thank the care they took me. And with the others. Or to salute his achievements as a result of the revolution of '59. Among these achievements, independent of many others, I would cite the creation of the International Medical Contingent, known as the Henry Reeves brigade. So named, in honor of Brigadier Henry Reeves, an American who fought against the English colonial army, the independence of Cuba in the nineteenth century. Fidel expressed thereon on September 19 last year, "as the tragedy in the world is becoming increasingly clear, we affirm the decision to create today, September 19, 2005, the quota Henry Reeves. "It will consist, first, the members of the current strength of that name. She will join 200 volunteers on the current graduation of doctors, 200 of the previous graduation 2003-2004, 600 students in their sixth year of Medicine from 2005-2006, and 800 of the fifth year of this own course. "Even I confess that the name given to chapter 11 of this newspaper, (A Cuba nothing human is alien to him) was taken from the front page of Granma, and calling for coverage on the work of Cuban doctors who had traveled to Pakistan for aid in the relief to the survivors of earthquake of October 8. The brigade succeeded em 5 months attending 73% of those affected, 1:300.442 patients.
Pakistani children maimed by the quake, were brought to Havana, for the implementation of necessary prostheses.
Although it is hateful to appoint someone (at the risk of forgetting a name) here is my sincere and eternal gratitude to:
The Dra.Sandra (surgeon) and Ana Rosa (Assistant), Amanda, Magali, and Maria nurses assistant Marcos All the 5 th floor of the Ameijeiras Brothers Hospital. The Dra.Idalmis
, Dr.Miguel, Optometrist Wendilyn and Popy, assistant of the Pré Clinic.
Berta A Assistant Nurse Alberto nursing and doctor whose name I forgot but known as "china" ... Post's clinic doctors
A Thomas and Aracelys, the senior nurses, Yarymy, Marai, and nurses and auxuliares: Yoslaine, Rule, Gerorgina, Yuli, and Alberto of Nursing 3 (Casa 614)
Workers Social Alexei, "Jail" and Little, Miguel the Soder, Yamile the dj and Tony, manager of food service and excellent dancer Casaclub reggaeton, not to mention Cuban doctors, representatives of Mission Miracle in our country ... and all those who, unfortunately may have forgotten to name, but I always received a smile com. See you soon.

Sunday, June 4, 2006

Service Disconnection Letter


REQUIRED ... We are forced to temporarily suspend-on-its supply of magazines and newspapers in Brazil.
incompetence and arrogance of some officials of the Customs Office in Montevideo
with highly paid positions and total lack of dealing with the public, made in the Territorial Operations division, we were treated not so elegant but des- as rude by an employee named Conrad personally last week, when we went in search of information, to compose a file.
This week, a woman named Rosario from the same division ... and to our telephone consultation, without the slightest consideration, "he concluded abruptly with a" I'm not here to answer your questions "...
Indeed, the call was due to concerns about being rejected the dossier submitted by our Broker, Mesa Input, in terms of submission. Apparently, new rules, promoted by the government collector of these "progressive trash" dress it demanded that an office each time you enter goods for border. So far we were getting two small packets per week, subject to the control of the customs guards, with the Brazilian newspaper Gazeta Mercantil, Folha de S. Paulo and some magazines such as Veja, Manequim or Quatro Rodas. The whole package was not enough to weigh out 5 kilos each twice.
As this new form of activity of representatives of government, further complicated the economic balance of the enterprise initiated and maintained for the past 21 years, we have decided to open a parenthesis, to go and look for our rights in this area or other .
With this attitude, the government "is concerned with social says," not only condemned to unemployment, this veteran of 65 years, with some heart conditions, but it also takes a little work the boy who clears border, the bus company that was carrying the parcel; the driver of the SUV and newsboy cast was reselling the product. Linda concern with social ... Enrique Cuadrado

Gambardella * * This text was not intended for Blog Lagomar sheet, but reviewing the files, I decided to include it, as I have, with others of the (my) past times.

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morondanga. (From Morondo and-anga). f. Something useless and immaterial. 2. Mixture of useless things. 3. Mess, confusion. of ~. loc. adj. derogatory. Worthless, of little value. (Reference Library Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2005.)

The system of government, or rather the form of "rule", which is installed in the country, from March 1, 2005, accumulated arrogance, mediocrity and bad manners. This week the media reported about the new logo of the Municipality of Montevideo. As if changing the "logo" or the designation, serve to alter the behavior of power to citizens. The proud of the message: "Montevideo for all" serves as a clay patch, the hype itself. Few among the million and some of the inhabitants of the "very faithful and reconquer", would be encouraged to sign the official message. A few days ago, walking through the neighborhood south road to the Rambla ... I came across with the Office of Commercial Management IMM, and I went curious to see how it worked. There was a gentleman at the counter, customer service, explaining to an officer, who was unemployed, which contained cups of wheels on the street that recovered, the polished and sold to interested parties went through a corner of a street . (Those who use those cups, which only serve to beautify the wheels - they know that if not properly dams, any well or sloping terrain makes them jump and can be replaced only if found in one corner, a similar). Typically, these pieces are sold in packs of 4 units, and cost a few hundred dollars, while the same or similar in "shopping for corner ", is achieved by a few pesos. The man asked for a permission to" make a daily "and take some money for your home. I had three young children heard him say. The first officer after telling that the permits were suspended , handed "the baton" to another officer who heard the same arguments, repeated the statement made by his colleague and left in the hands of a man named White, who allegedly was the Director of the office. The man repeated for the third time around , adding that without a permit, inspectors forced him to retire and threatened to get the goods if they found him again. But he could not move the employee of the municipality, as a pretext to put orders. I was half watching hot attention to that man, I went to the first official (not solve anything) and request a permit to sell at the fair. Argument presented as having 65 years, unemployed and unemployed, living alone, and suffer from diseases such as diabetes and heart failure. Gave me a little nervous "pass" a colleague Teresa ... a step before getting to Mr. White. Who treated me very uncomfortable, a little because he could not solve anything, given that the order came from "above", and partly because he saw that I was not "asking", but inquiring into the reasons why such treatment was given to the people there why the service concurred worked so far to City Hall and executives in the last electoral farce, had vowed to solve the problems of the people? and because what is now hiding behind secretaries and assistants, porters and junior officers, that nothing could be solved?
Your reply swallowing-was that it was a political problem, but I was not clear whether he meant a political problem as a whole ... or a "political" problem of politicians, who promised without any compromise - which then fail could give.
Rulers like these abound in the Latin American poor, mestizo and exploited, using lies as a springboard. And getting anything or anyone to change anything. Possibly, many of which today
seek help and support ... have been his constituents (believing in one change announced) but all that has been in the quartermaster, was hunting on the charges and the prosecution of newcomers emepepistas against the slopes, old. Montevideo
occupiers ... "for all" as being only "for some", I would say this "system of government" of morondanga. Enrique Cuadrado
Gambardella for Lagomar Sheet, Http://

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Mariucha COOKING WITH ...
(The text in bold italics are mine)
The Municipality of Montevideo (IMM) will have a stock that teach cooking recipes and food processing methods to improve nutrition, making the most of the ingredients. (U. News, 5/20/2006)
The first neighborhoods to be visited will Pocitos Punta Gorda and Carrasco, whose packs (in the words of Minister) contactoo have already entered into with the municipality, to express the difficulty of having a diversified menu correspoinde as a "family bian" they are. Most of the complaints are directed towards the periphery helpful, they do not get "going" beyond the chicken and fries (and ketchup ...!!! valganos God). Of these, just have to deal with the food ... after washing and "tender" clothes, vacuuming, leave the bathrooms shine, waxing the kitchen floor, maintaining the pool, mowing the lawn, run to the super of the other block, and fetch the twins in school.
neighborhoods located over 20 kilometers from the center, will be treated in a second stage, after analyzing the results of this first phase. For this need, the authorities have instructed the quartermaster to the Army Corps of Engineers Eastern adaptation of kitchen stock, in a tank (waste) of the Second World War.

The National Development Corporation (NDC) lost more than U $ S 60 million since its inception in 1985, bad investments and save companies merged. (U. News, 5/20/2006)
Invention batllista, like so many others, never became what purported to be. Just served to save the lives of some fellow, lend money without due process of payment and praticar beneficence and philanthropy between pals
unconditional. To paraphrase the maxim of batllismo proclaiming the toleranciay the arrangement between the two rival parties with a chance to govern: "For us and for our adversaries, our children and the children of our adversaries," and so on, would have time to add to the almost biblical phrase: "we do not forget to brothers, cousins, brothers-in-law, and without neglecting wives and lovers (the woman scorned is the worst at that time) and taking into account neighbors and doormen in the building or private drivers "involuntary witnesses ... but witnesses in order" that could compromise, at a given moment, our good name and attitudes as citizens. "

LIVE WITH POOR RATS and others ... rats proliferate in large cities and Montevideo is no exception. The Municipality (IMM) estimates that there are five to seven mice per capita. In the commune suspect their presence is linked to increased settlement.
The solution would then occupy vacant lots in neighborhoods-packs, well away from the periphery or, add bugs to lunch as "food from Ricardo" ...

ANNOUNCES INCREASES THE UTE AND PUNISHMENT ... UTE rates will rise on average 5%, the highest weight in the consumption pattern of the most increase. Will implement a system of rebates for residential customers to save and penalized more those who do not.
few years ago the agency, she starred in a campaign to acquire and use electrical appliances, taking into account that electricity was a clean, but regardless, or consult the San Pedro. As so often, the inability of those who manage the Uruguayan government (which unfortunately are elected by the majority of turnips! Choosing) once again changed the rules on the fly. Enrique Cuadrado

Gambardella, for Lagomar Sheet:

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TABLE TENNIS (PING between "The quotes are excerpts from local newspapers, the PONG obey comments the author). (Production: late May-early June 2006)

PING - "Strong operating eu security act by the government on Monday to broadcast the proceedings in the projects of ENCE and Botnia . The event on Monday," did what he wanted in the paper? "

PONG - Of course, if, the president not pulled the broomrape, all speakers spoke what he wanted to hear and the battalion of guards" Pica stone "; did not allow journalist had been placed to ask questions insidious.
chain's 30 minutes were a real torment for those who were accustomed to the chains of 5 minutes (at most), and monologues of speakers did not pass a "self hype" of the government, backed by some characters of the previous government.
For the next conclave of government, the press secretary of the presidency (Sepredi) rent the tent of the Great Circus Sarrasani (including chimpanzees) and the speech would be enlivened by nostalgic old military marches of years' 70. Outsiders to the simulation, could only enter with clown noses, to facilitate early identification and power ... "boxearlos" (as did the former director, Sanchez) without remorse.
PING - "According to Alberto Varela, attorney Robin Henderson, principal owner of the supermarket chain (English Shop), the "closure is clearly unconstitutional."
PONG "That is, the consequences and subsequent effects that might cause the deactivation of invoices wet (in a tank that rains) as input documents for pure administrative incapacity or negligence of any charge, would be" unconstitutional " ... Now ... what way might be called the conduct of the undertaking of Mr. Henderson's failure to pay overtime worked by officers, and instead just compensate as normal hours, as I was doing until a few months ...?
PING - "The representative Luis Bajac Public Ministry said Thursday that the apologies of the holder of the DGI in "a public figure of the injured party back together and repairs the evil," but "the crime already consummated" Eguren had admitidoó he was "aggrieved "by the defendant, he felt his honor" affected "and a" detriment to all judges, "while it considered that there was" malice "of Zaidensztat;. and concluded by expressing this jewel of reactionary thought, and verbal hypocrisy: "The day that a judge accept that those in power come to court to say how we should act, will be the end of the rule of law." (as if it never ... )
PONG - The young libertarian-prisoners in the Old City in November 2004 - were imprisoned for over a month, not because they throw stones and break windows, but because they made a painted against the judiciary. Almost no politician, nor any individual trader or wealthy (or close to power), has been arrested in the last fifty years in this country, although the memory of society, have been many "worthy" for it.
PING - "And I say," said the vice president, Nin Novoa, "the president and said that no minister bolted to his chair, urged ... "
PONG - Thank God ... I figured, with these ministers who travel by air if necessary pay-too-overweight because of the chairs .... What size would account for the "taxpayers" ...? Enrique Cuadrado
Gambardella, for Lagomar Sheet:

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The image from "Yanquiland" run the world for almost 50 years, infested world with apocalyptic visions and lying on the island of Cuba and its revolution. At first, to distract world public opinion and avoid known treatment that they dispensed to blacks within its territory. Then I continued to do to hide his soldiers committed atrocities in Vietnam. Then he had the luxury of getting in all of Latin America with the soldiers conspiring to overthrow governments, democratically elected. Now, have decided to destabilize neighboring Middle Eastern countries to Israel, from the Iraq of Saddam Hussein's former partner, following Iran and Pakistan to reach Afghanistan, leaving a trail of bombs and destruction in its wake. And as argued 50 years ago, continue to repeat in this: they are there to bring democracy, to defend democracy and if were the case, do away with democracy, which are not similar, which they wanted.
I myself believed for some time as the media had this, my country. And I'm not ashamed of it. My only regret, having been so stupid. And having "bought the rotten fish." I was born and raised in Uruguay, Batlle (the Don Pepe) in which we were taught, respect for the ideas and the lives of others. And that was the trap. One of the pitfalls that gave us the area of \u200b\u200bthe Colorado Party, who said to continue on the path of gift. José Batlle y Ordoñez. The Orientals were killed in the blades, after being an independent republic. No trials summary or firing squad. Our grandparents and great grandparents Tatar, killed or dead were beheaded. The horse that fell, or was up ... was "ballot." In the most cruel and bloody. But that's what we came to discover much later. The official history taught us in school and the Lyceum, hid the way of settling things. This story not told us about the extermination of the Charruas, carried out by a celebrated hero-until now-because he was the founder of the Partido Colorado. But besides the lie to respect the lives of others, how are the death of a child from starvation, or death of an old man for lack of assistance and remediation, or fate of a young "hunted", and tortured to death ...? Then "disappeared" for trying to think freely ... all for the State and without the appropriate punishment for those responsible. It happens that when it comes to "accidents" domestic cases are swept under the carpet for. The mere mention of Cuba in Uruguay in 2006, continues to cause a "pandemic" equal to that produced in the sixties. These days (late May 2006), some people who do not want to qualify, they have taken against the Cuban doctors, visitors to our country by the Ministries of Public Health and Social Development to work with solution that can benefit poor people, com impaired. Another phase of the Mission Miracle Empreender by Cuba, which is carried out with patients from Latin America and the Caribbean, with great success, which has now joined, Venezuela. Without trying to make a play on words, what is really happening is a vision problem ... of those who call for joint action, they never get together the $ 3 000, for an eye, requested by local ophthalmologists. "A colossal blunder, leaving the Health at the mercy of market forces" expressed by intervening in a special Roundtable, Agustin Lage, director of the Center of Molecular Immunology, yesterday in Havana according to information from Orlando Rodriguez Perez, the newspaper now in the city of Holguin. ( ) Enrique Cuadrado Gambardella THREAD

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MEDICAL ... (2)

Not all were listed. At night, in housing-after dinner, some were called to confirm the trip to the hospital the next day. Others were gathered to inform the treatment should continue, to reach control levels (blood pressure, glucose, etc..) And obtain the conditions for surgery. Even some patients who returned were not obtained surgery. Then is obviously incomprehensible, how ... if we had already been diagnosed, here ...? What was the need to do it again there ...? And also ... What if everything was solved from here, because there were patients who did not undergo surgery ...? Another
puntoque not clear in the conclusions of this century, is as to "examine patients" (sic) as stated in the note.
When I was greeted by a Cuban doctor in the Health Center Ciudad de la Costa, which she asked me was my name, I replied and added reason to be against it. I watched the view and I went to Dr Public Health, who accompanied her. This led me to another room, I take blood pressure, filled out a form with my details and asked me soon, get it back, with the consent of the cardiologist who attended me, to travel to Cuba.
Who knows, there was some rule or norm, people who idealized this current solidarity alto.Talvez passed by the state of calamity poor Uruguayans, visually impaired, has screamed higher than the useless bureaucracy (which only serve to delay the settlement of thousands of problems) and that Uruguayan society is so used.
Patients who returned from Cuba (Operations), at this point and must pass a thousand and none of which required hundredth pay or sign a petition against the U.S. blockade, which the island suffered 47 years ago. The Minister Arizmendi (communist) did not require anyone's party card to be provided with travel and operation.
the way back I met people who had been there, "recommending" (a new candidate to the trip) "that take money to eat, because food-served to patients," was unpalatable. " Let's see ... at breakfast were served scrambled eggs,
toast, butter and jam, plus a few slices of grapefruit orange and pineapple. To drink, coffee or chocolate milk and fruit juices (orange, mango or pineapple) at will. Before leaving the restaurant, patients and companions, received a bottle of glue and some cookies with filling) for tea in the morning. At noon, a soup as a starter, and a plate of rice and chicken or pork, or tuna, or beef, and vegetables (raw or cooked), and bread. To drink cold water and out the tail and crackers for a snack in the afternoon. Dinner repeated with other dishes and ingredients, the lunch. I can not think that this daily diet
controlled by nutritionists, someone could die of hunger. Especially since the coordinators of the trip had brought some donations, crackers, cookies and herb.
But as ungrateful, are in all societies, surely I have come across authentic representatives of the Uruguayan society. That ugly ...!
I agree with what the Minister said Arizmendi and I venture to go a little further: the medicine is what turned into merchandise. And companies such as the claimant ... their merchants. Advances in medicine in Cuba, including new techniques and the development of new drugs, has not helped that no researcher has been enriched. He served in the interim to share with the needy around the world without asking anything in return. And for those who have short memories, remember that under President Jorge Batlle, same year that voted in favor of new sanctions against Cuba empire ... Like that people sent a shipment of flu vaccines as a donation.
And before the end ... What if these advocates of penal code 1500, which encourage gang of three Cuban doctors, put in the spotlight, the evangelical sect Stop Suffering, which not only acts freely, but also advertises a range of products such as salt of no where, the Red Sea water, soap and other discharge, raising a hand, what the unsuspecting and poor believers, can ... or can not afford. Sure, this sect of Brazilian origin, has a great economic power y. .. "Over three" Although deserves to be applied across the said Code. THREAD

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of a patient operated in Cuba
Some people who act professionally on the Uruguayan health sector loaded inks, canyons and conspired to attack and denounce-with public opinion always misinformed and manipulated-to three Cuban doctors who arrived at these beaches to provide their knowledge, in solidarity.
The solidarity is a term not used in the leguaje bourgeois. The closest thing is said corporatism, but at the grassroots level is called "threads."
corporatism. 2. In a group or professional sector, a trend abusive internal solidarity and advocacy body. (Reference Library Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2005
The reason given, according to a note in the daily El Pais on May 23, on pg. 9 - for the denunciation of the SAQ (anesthetic and surgical societies), resorts to the figure of "usurpation of functions" under the Penal Code., and stated: "The surgeons say that there is sufficient proof that the three professionals examined, diagnosed and provided technical advice, so practice medicine in Uruguay" I am
one of those patients who returned from Cuba, looking lost. Although at the time, which was found to have a cataract in his right eye, paid a mutualistic one was ill-served by medical professionals in the industry, I was diagnosed, I asked for a payment of U.S. $ S 1800.00 to remove it and to my refusal by the impossibility of that amount, he dismissed me with a "Do what you want ... but if you get the money is going to be blind, because the institution does not cover this type of operation. "
Some time later, the police report made to the legal department of the institution, and followed ... until I was able to appear more. I had a "cansera" ... At that time was with a large respiratory failure, crazy hard for me to move, and as "the doctor who attended me did in the morning, to declare the subpoenas were marked for mid-afternoon. Nothing more. Just a coincidence ...
repeated Uruguayans, have long been accustomed to not complain about anything. A silent mouth to the excesses and abuses, of which have "the upper hand." SAQ
This man, seems to me very similar to the committees of "Cuba Libre", which swarmed in the sixties, in the city of Montevideo, dedicated to throwing shit all day against the Cuban Revolution. The committee consisted of: "one who put the face and signed and two or three friends of him." All proven anti-Communists, of course.
I do not know ... if this meeting of companies have real legal life, if you have regular meetings, if you own premises, or if it is just an acronym, which stands for "lovers of money," transvestite of "justice for the Code."
The truth is, that the allegation is false. The diagnosis of whether they should operate or not, was reported by the night at the hotel we were staying, after visiting the preoperative clinic in the village Tarara, a day after our arrival on the island Cuba, on March 23 this year.
After being interviewed by one of four doctors (and with the results of blood test performed on arrival) receiving patients, I happened to talk with Dr. Michael ... (pa 'I forgot to ask see, your diploma duly attested by Notary, and only now I realize), in the next room, we waited four optometrists, we are subjected to three tests, before making entries on the history, who accompanied us throughout our stay - already underway for another room, where we waited for the medical chief, who first identified the need for intervention ..

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Tarara (11)

is known that long ago should have forgotten the legend of Uruguayan claw "and the myth of" the resiliency native ", so common in the period Batlle of Uruguay. These concepts are repeated through generations ... were converted into true "institutions" and today, there is no reason to be proud, but insist on its repetition.
The "claw charrúa" possibly arose from the Uruguayan soccer events in the Olympics of 1924 (Colombes), 1928 (Amsterdam) and reaffirmed the victories world in 1930, against the locals (Montevideo) and 1950 (Rio de Janeiro) against the mighty Brazilians. The brilliant inventor of the adjective, probably forgot how they were killed the previous charrúas in our territory.
The "lively Creole" is defined as a skill, minimum effort or sense of humor. Francis Bacon said that "there is nothing worse than consider wise, rogues."
"People have a notion of themselves and like very much to realize that notion, that look that carry over centuries, of themselves, achieve it in ways, characters, attitudes, legends, myths." (José Ignacio Cabruja, the January 12, 1995, during a conference on Labour Culture, organized by the Foundation Sivensa, at the Ateneo de Caracas, Venezuela). He continues later Cabruja: "It is the result of three exiles, three provisional figures: a) the indigenous inhabitants, the Indian, who was expelled from their territory, their beliefs, their lives, for whom the notion of work not existed. Why?, If the earth gives and I take it. Why plant?, Why make a garden? If all this land was a garden. b) Another character is black, ripped from the Ivory Coast, his land, his love of all that could generate a feeling. They put him in a boat and brought him to this land and said it works, why?, Why? And c) The English came into exile. Coming to America meant a punishment, a misfortune, a fatality, was living in a country of second. Here there came the eldest son, came the second son, who did not serve, the adventurer. "He came to work?, No, why? He came to get rich, real life was in Spain, this was a transit country. "
The "lively Creole" occurs in a narrow strip of human relationships, in which a character travels a path dangerously racist, choosing as recipient another character considered (by him) as more silly, less educated or at least worth a trip.
(zancadilla. (Del dim.'s Stride). f. Action to cross someone's leg between the other person to make him lose balance and fall. 2. Coloq. Stratagem that was demolished or intends to demolish someone from a position or title). Reference Library Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2005. © 1993-2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
But calm ... all peoples are those who feel more alive, and take advantage of the innocence and naivete, or the willingness of partners to pass the leg. Calculation
at 700 or 800 patients (and 100 guests) foreigners who were mobilized by the village in the nearly twenty days we stayed there. I base this on the conversations I had with managers of different gourmet dining and in discussions held daily with a dear friend, the dealer. Of these some 120 Uruguayans. In particular, as one of the patients benefited from the attention of the Cuban people and for all the kindnesses received, I regret some "stoked" as diabetic, which being reported last night that the next day would be clinic or hospital, was given "the such beatings" of various sugars (queues, jams and sweets), causing the rapid increase of glucose, avoiding the completion of their treatment and thus prolonging their stay (with all expenses paid) for a few weeks more. There were other "uruguayeses" but enough to show a button, we are left with this. I must say that I know that the Cuban people is a poor village, so much ... or more than ours. And what they're doing with the Mission Milagro, must demand a great sacrifice and great effort of all Cubans ... (related or unrelated to the Mission). The attitude of this poor boy (also poor in every way in which you want to look), in addition to postpone the trip and treatment a fellow who needed it, making us think that vivillos "of America and the World" ... still going to "gears up" a few years or more generations, found that education and ethics must be instilled - such as vaccines, in the early years, to turn on ...

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Tarara JOURNAL (10)

I chose these three characters "met" during my stay, as an example of the kindness of that sister and her vocation services, and so different from functions of one and the other-they did not hesitate a moment to further illustrate -With his stories, on the vicissitudes experienced by his people ... and the participation of the poet, the guerrilla commander in the struggle for liberation.
The activity of a dear friend, is the distributor of mineral water every morning repeated the trip the day before, and anticipates the next day, delivering the "knobs" of 1 liter and a half because of a knob per person hosted more than 80 houses. Michael uses an electric buggy-open those gringos that used to reach the first hole-in exchange for 0.50 (U.S. cents). José Miguel, this is your full name, was the first Cuban who stood in the street the next day ... arrival, to ask questions about the town and its history. Until the day before the return, we are almost daily, and by chance, on any street in the village, he doing his deal (and me doing my walk, as a good diabetic). Every encounter helped me to go up the history of the town and its people.
At Villa there is a House and Museum, known as the Casa del Che. " Not because Che had constituted at the local address, but because after the triumph of the revolution, undertaken by a flare, Che spent a few weeks, Resting in a house on the hilltop, overlooking the sea blue. The historian Victor Caio Sotolon, hosted episodes that ran on the revolution while other examples of the Latin American struggle for liberation, placing the beginning of the struggle for independence in the nineteenth century., In times of English rule from the events of Demajagua, some 50 years later
the declaration of Independence of the partners in the Mercosur. (Paraguay on May 15, 1811, Argentina on July 9, 1816, Brazil on September 7, 1822, and Uruguay on August 25, 1825). Still spent about 30 years for Cubans to reach the May 20, 1902. The Bachelor Aldo Daniel Naranjo Tamayo (research historical) Demajagua defines as Altar de la Patria Cuban note: "On October 10, 1868, in the Demajagua sugar mill, a Cuban male, litigious and determined: Carlos Manuel de Cespedes del Castillo, declared independence of their country, supported by hundreds of lines in the Manzanillo region "in eastern Cuba. José Martí, later wrote this metaphor about the need for commitment of the people with the independence revolution:
"People like volcanoes, are styled in the shadows, where only certain eyes see, and in one day sprout facts crowned with fire and panting flanks, and crawl to the summit to lecture and quiet of this world, who deny everything that does not want, and do not know of the volcano until you have it over. The best thing is being in the womb, and go with it! "
José Julián Martí (1853-1895), Cuban politician and writer, (son of English) was the ultimate symbol of Cuban aspirations for independence and an outstanding representative of Latin American literature. The governments of Paraguay, Argentina and Uruguay was designated consulate of each of them in New York. (Uruguay is appointed Consul on April 16, 1887, Argentina and Paraguay, do the same, in December de1890).
On February 25, 1895, Marti was issued from the Republic Dominican Maximo Gomez with the so-called Manifesto of Montecristi, once it had initiated hostilities against the English colonial power two days earlier (by Baire's cry, the origin of the final phase of Cuba's wars for independence .) Called that the armed uprising of the Cuban people against English rule.
In April of that year succeeded in landing in Cuba along with Gomez, and both are turned on 6 May in the highest authorities of the revolution. Martí died in combat at Dos Ríos, 19 May 1895. " (Information collected from the Reference Library Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2005. © Microsoft Corporation 1993-2004. . All Rights Reserved.)
What does not make your copyright, is the realization, that the imperialists,
always been with an eye on those people who got rid of foreign domination and declare your independence ... just to dominate once again.

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Tarara JOURNAL (9)

9 - CUBA nothing human is alien
None of the patients who embarked on 21 March, Cuba, was asked to support a statement prior to the Cuban government to achieve the long-awaited intervention. In the hearts and minds of those who returned, there should be eternally grateful for their hospitality and generosity the Cuban people. Many of these people recovered well from the view ... self-esteem. Probably none of them would meet the conditions of an operation in Montevideo, which would cost now ranges between U $ S U $ S 2800.00 and 3000.00.
The decision of the Cuban doctors to donate their knowledge and techniques, coupled with the initiative of the State, to afford the trip, internal transfers, lodging, food and some medicines, during the recovery period, it seems a matter of another world. However, it is not.
Cuba is a poor country with serious problems surviving the U.S. blockade. But he has resolved to extend a blanket humanity to his brothers also poor in Latin America, and "spread" a chain of solidarity, in all parts of the world that becomes necessary. Cuban society still suffers from some symptoms of capitalist globalization, corruption and diversion of the objectives because of the unnecessary accumulation of wealth.
On November 24, 2005, IAR News published a report Gerardo Arreola, a severe critic of Fidel at the highest levels of government in Cuba.
"Castro spoke last week to launch the ethics and internal control against the massive theft of public funds and the black market, but had not used up to now so hurtful tone against senior officials. In his long speech at the University of Havana, between Thursday and Friday last, Castro raised his looks and shot the first line of the government. "It's hard, but I say," said the Cuban leader. "Some ministers have been weak, and very deficient." "We can not walk with Weaknesses: I attack, criticize me." "In his extensive brief, warned the generations who will lead Cuba in the future that the country must eliminate corruption or destroy itself, the political system emerged from the 1959 revolution." In an unusual passenger, said the State "is accustomed in a way to negotiate with ministers, and replied immediately: "the central state administration must not negotiate with any minister has to give orders."

The siege of the capitalists, has not ceased after 47 years blockade. to drugs needed to save a life, have been prevented from reaching the island, as in the case of Rolando Perez Quintosa, one of the martyrs of Tarara, already mentioned in this paper ..
The Saturday, April 15 2006, the newspaper La Jornada of Mexico complained that: "The U.S. government launched a campaign of political pressure to prevent the integration of Cuba to the Human Rights Council United Nations, today unveiled the newspaper La Jornada. "In a dispatch from its correspondent in Geneva, Switzerland, headquarters of the agency, the newspaper gave details of a letter from U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to bolster that claim." (Mexico, April 15 (PL)
Just another twist, think ... Maybe because in '59, the Americans could not impose another puppet, as were used (and still are). My dream libertarian society more just, I became a reality in Cuba. Possibly, many years away, so that everything is perfect, but this can be attributed to the human condition and not know to what extent, a perfect society and without fail, it could make up my utopia.
Uruguayans are, in my view, several steps down, in terms of awareness. The referendum that pardoned the military dictatorship was a trap. All that was written and heard about Cuba in the last forty-odd years, was conceived and composed by those who invented three years ago that the Iraq of Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction and spent weeks, months , days and nights, would say years, to destroy this country defenseless.

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JOURNAL Tarara (8)

On April 4, is commemorated in Cuba the day of children. The same day we celebrate the anniversary of the creation of the Organization of Children Pioneers (this year was 45 degrees), and the 44 th anniversary of the founding of the UJC, the Union of Young Communists. Although little had been scheduled for the date until the night before in the early hours of the morning, announcing that they were suspended visits to doctors, clinics and hospitals. Instead, the child patients and their companions, were invited to participate in the celebration of Cuban children, to be held on the esplanade opposite the school named after Celia Sanchez, a hero of the Revolution. It was a show featuring art by the children living in the Villa. (dressed) and conformed with dances and songs.
The audience of over three hundred people cheered from start to end, the events and the participation of children, for about an hour long, and the party is over, after the actors had dismantled the audience, taking much of her to dance to the beat of conga Santiago "Memory." Gifts for children in their day were the applause of the spectators, without interference from advertising agencies, as in our country and our consumer society.
Cubans cherish children and young people, and often put their trust in the new or recent generations, to ensure continuity and success of the Revolution. In an interview with Ignacio Ramonet (Le Monde Diplomatique Director), launched in January 2003 and ended only in the month of December 2005, Fidel Castro, said:
"It was fortunate that those who made the revolution have been three generations. Even those who came before us, the former militants and leaders of the Popular Socialist Party, which was the Marxist-Leninist, and with us came a new generation. And then that is behind us, and immediately after the campaign literacy, the fight against bandits, the struggle against the blockade, the fight against terrorism, fighting at Giron, who lived through the October crisis, the international missions ... Many people with many merits. " (...) Are already some generations that will replace others. I have confidence, and I've said all along, but we are aware that there are many risks that can threaten a revolutionary process. Errors are subjective ... There were mistakes, and we have a responsibility not to have discovered certain tendencies and errors. Today, simply, have passed some and others are fighting. "(...) This first generation still cooperates with new-abiding authority of the few who are being left ... It is the second, now the third and fourth ... I have a clear idea of \u200b\u200bwhat will be the fourth generation, because you see the boys in sixth grade making his speech. What talent we have discovered! "
All absolutely true according to what we observed. Not only young people are active in every aspect of daily life but gives the female staff of 10 to 0, in comparison with men. There are some men, some doctors, some nurses and some social officials, but many doctors, (thirty years), many nurses in 20, and many other social, 18, (for at least in this field of medicine and patient care of the Mission Miracle).
Cuba has about 110 000 square kilometers and about 11 million people. La Villa Tarara, which appears to be an imitation of the lost city of Shangrila, or a place from another world. , Just a piece of land of Martí, and a sample of how it behaves and works of Cuban society.
In almost twenty days, I walked through the streets of the town. When it occurred to me. I talked to all those that came my way. I did all the questions that came to my head and corroborated the answers, repeating them to other partners. I saw people sleeping on the street, or people poking in trash cans. At first, I locked the information in that part of the town had been intended for international tourism to the previous year. At the time, that the Cuban government decided to incorporate the Villa Tarara, to the Mission Milagro, much of the staff dedicated to tourism, willingly accepted the change of responsibilities, even losing some of the extra benefits, such as tips. A true marriage of solidarity, a vocation of service, our Cuban brothers ...

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JOURNAL Tarara (7)

The next day we arrived at Villa Tarara, led us to the clinic before the operation, on top of the hill, a distance of just three blocks from our house, yet they moved us into a modern Chinese bus was carrying in the back the words "Yutong Bus" provided air conditioning.
The screening of our eye conditions, determined who would go into surgery, and who should, do a short course in order to restore the required values \u200b\u200band be fit for surgery after the initial interview with Dr. Michael, the nice nurse Popy, organized the patients to go to optometry, by optometrist Wendilyn technique to complete the studies in the next room, a tempting, and others giving up
to identify letters and numbers, located on a panel of three meters away.
On leaving the clinic, was surprised to receive the warm embrace of the Director of the Centre, a young blonde of thirty years, apparently, wrapped in a very short miniskirt and showing off some beautiful legs. Idalmis, so was his name, we said goodbye, wishing him a speedy recovery. Mal knew, at that time, the next day
and reconstructive surgery would take place.
Friday March 24 at midmorning, led us to the Ameijeiras Brothers Hospital in the center of the city of Havana, after traveling a few kilometers the Via Blanca, passing through Old Havana and across the bay through the tunnel at the bottom of the sea. The 24-story building, occupying an entire block was built by Cuban workers at the site when it ran the former Casa Cuna. A kind of charity, where women in labor
leaving unwanted children and / or unwanted, for someone to pick them up and adopt.
The "Hermanos Ameijeiras", opened on December 3, 1986, struck from the lobby and waiting, which is similar to the front of a five-star hotel encompasses the entire ground floor.
Around noon, Peter, the nurse in charge of patients, led us to the 5th floor and after a few minutes we were already patients of the 614, and others (all Uruguayans), changed clothes and tunics, in a small room: green tunic, green scarf on the head and feet encased in pouches of the same color.
From there we live for nursing next, where we put a guide on the left hand, in case they need a possible application of serum, we monitored blood pressure and selected eye sprayed us with an appropriate fluid to dilate the pupil . Later we learned that we were the last patients of the day, a total of 43 underwent surgery. Magali, Maria and Amanda were called the nurses in charge of "controlling" and Mark, a young nurse assistant manager to bring us to the operating table and bring us back to the
Nursing, through a wide corridor filled with doors on both sides.
I was three in the afternoon, when my turn came. I was the last to be operated, and the removal of the cataract in my right eye, it took more than 20 minutes. At first, I had some misunderstanding with Dr. Sandra and his assistant, the doctor also Ana Rosa. First I asked him to look towards the bottom of my feet and I stood almost instinctively head to get around the abdomen who was standing in my field of vision. After the second attempt, I asked the surgeon who change the reference, and all was resolved. From that moment, my eye was only able to see light and shadow, went to accompany (as "cabin") all the moves and my ears to hear all the comments relating to the operation, because the doctors - did not stop a moment to think aloud about what they were encountering. When they finished a few moments later, both were pleased with the success of the intervention, and shared with me the joy of the moment.
The next day we had to go to the Post operative to remove the bandage that covered the operated eye and soothing place to review progress. In nursing, the Post, we expected, "Berta" Head Nurse (also an expert in martial arts and karate champion) called "Belta" by his assistant and companion Alberto ... who was also called "Albelto," a dark, almost two meters tall , not knowing where to put their hands and placed them in the most unlikely places, carelessly. The approval, gave the "China", a sympathetic doctor, who had been in Buenos Aires with my friend Yamyla.

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JOURNAL Tarara (6)

La Villa Tarara, has several rooms where patients their meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) and a Point; (or meeting place) where they place other recreational activities, the Clubhouse, a kind of reception, pool, grill and bar, disabled, and Bar and Boutique, still in operation. Everything under the command of Tony, head of the group that serves the house. This kind of "welcome" guests attended and provided other services, seen as lodging, took place in bungalows and villas, spread through the town. Now incorporated into the Mission Miracle, the Clubhouse serves as a local meeting, bringing together delegations from different countries and offers 2 or 3 times a week, dance sessions with artists shows local, which begin after dinner and extend until 22:00, under the leadership of the DJ and cheerleader Jamie (a sensational skinny), which does not hesitate to leave your desk for "fall" in the middle of dancers accompany the steps and figures of the latest hits of reggaeton, especially if "it touches" Homesickness is the Conga (Hey Santiago), as amended by the Sur Caribe Cuban group.
Although the hours seem to pass slowly in the quiet Villa Tarara ... the activity of Medicine, Nursing, physicians and nurses, do not stop instantly. Clinics (pre-operative and post-operative) work Monday Saturdays. The Nursing 24 hours a day, seven days a week in patient care.
is estimated to work in the Villa Tarara, about 20 doctors, technicians and many other Heads of Nurses (Senior) and 300 nurses (Junior), within the Mission Miracle, about 200 people providing assistance to patients and staff and social also work almost a hundred construction workers, gardeners, street cleaners and drivers. The staff serving in canteens, and other dealings number about 170 and have a dining room, just for them. If they join the staff of the Cultural Center, workers in the Transfer, which oversees and coordinates movements of the fleet of buses, which carry and fetch, patients, and for the Village Clinics, or take and bring other patients to hospitals in Havana and equipment maintenance and support to housing, we could risk a figure close to 1000 people involved in day to day, the Miracle in the Village.
Generally, workers who sleep in the town, working 24 hours at a time and rest another 24, according to the type of function. (Nurses and nurses, for example). The waitresses and other staff work 12 canteens and rest another 12 hours. The minibuses called "Buses" for about 30 passengers, transport workers of the town, from, to their destinations, and vice versa at no cost to the worker. The Cuban State is the payer, the service. At 07:30, they start to arrive. At 10:00 get a dozen micros (buses). At 17:00 another dozen. Finally at 22:00, the latest start ... to start all over again the next day.
In 20 days we were in the village, accompanied us Paraguayan patients, Ecuadorian, Panamanian, Salvadoran, Honduran and Guatemalan added to the Uruguayan oversteped quite possibly, the number of thousand patients.
The most cheerful and lively, proved the Ecuadorians. The Paraguayans, very loquacious, and hereby reserved including its neighbors. The Panamanians, Salvadorans and Hondurans, quite serious and quiet. The Guatemalans, very quiet, not try to hide their indigenous origin.
The rows in the dining room, approached the patients of different nationalities, who exchanged information about their respective countries had the nostalgia of a dish, or their relatives. The choice to enter the dining room was of children, then entered the post-operative (with the eye still covered), followed by those arriving in wheelchairs, the older and hard to move, and finally the rest. Some Uruguayans and some Panamanians fought, inch by inch, the prize "Golden Garron, without getting overcome. Was a little thing to see as a day after another, the same people, after 15 days going to the dining room, still unaware that the spot in line was behind the last place and not glued to the front door, as if the row does not exist.

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5 - THE YEAR 2006 Villa Tarara
La Villa Tarara today, settled on the coast east of Havana, near the sea, covers an area of \u200b\u200bapproximately 11 square miles and feature a balcony
on Caribbean .. The area (the slope of a hill down to the sea), is occupied for an extensive subtropical vegetation of plants, trees and shrubs, which highlights the flower of Santa Rita, sometimes a scarlet red, sometimes orange; present in fences, streets and avenues.
The town was established, in one of the most flourishing neighborhoods in the 50s, from the construction of the Bay Tunnel (a tunnel passing below the sea) and White Way (1956 / 1957 ), which allowed easy access to the city of Havana. Tarara thus became, in a peaceful and attractive holiday resort and residence, but supplies for classes
With the triumph of the Revolution in 1959, and implementation Urban Reform, residents and owners of the Villa, immigrated to Florida (USA) and the place abandoned, was subjected to thefts and depredations.
The philosophy of the revolution to focus its efforts on young people and children, led in the año1978, officially opened in the town, "City of José Martí Pioneers", with an initial capacity of 13 000 children school age ... and the project, to raise that number to double: 26000. While the Cultural Center was built, at the top of the hill and Amusement Park with technology donated by the Japanese, on the ground that he had honored the founder and first president of "The Tarara Land Company", Mr. Royal S. ... Known as Webster Webster Park.
The recovery of abandoned homes for the creation of the "city of children", allowed the creation of a "camp" (a number of houses nearby, or a type of neighborhood), for the recovery of children with asthma, (850 seats) and other "camp" similar to accommodate diabetic children. After the Chernobyl nuclear disaster in Ukraine on April 26, 1986, the town went to entertain the children involved in another "camp", which remains active to this day. And from July 2005, the Miracle took about 84 residences, with patients from Latin America who suffer from eye problems: cataracts and other conditions.
For the course of 2006, we expect that recovery operations exceeding the million and a half, on the island beyond, the Henry Reeve Brigade, serving overseas, caring for those affected by natural disasters, epidemics and other diseases and has about 300 doctors in Pakistan, including about 15 surgically with 8 teams each computer specialists, and over one thousand in Guatemala, Angola, Congo, and other Latin American countries. In the Village will speed recovery and remodeling, to allow host a number More patients. The villas, presented architectural lines of the years 40 / 50, which are being preserved by the workers, and it is projected that within 10 years after the completion of Mission Miracle, the Village again regain its status as tourist area, for welcome travelers from around the world. Cuba receives about 2:000.000 (two million) of tourists every year. You have three months of winter (December, January and February), where it is at the mercy of climate changes, and suffers with the arrival of some hurricanes and 9 months of mild climate and warm. March is considered the month in which the spring is present, and then from April to November and is installed Summer the highlight for the months of July and August as the hottest. In Villa Tarara, the sun rises "later, by around 08:30 / 09:00 and is hidden from 20:00. El Sol "stack-pica" as sung by Sabalero, and has a direct action on the sea which naturally changes the colors of its waters. One morning, one of my walks, I discovered that at 8 am, the color of the sea was a pale blue. At 9 am, the sky was populated by clouds and the sea had changed color to a gray lead. Finally, at 10, the Sun had resumed his place in the sky and the color of the sea, had also recovered tones turquoise blue every day. A breeze from the sea, rose after three in the afternoon (sometimes later) and liven up the heat. The temperature has ranged between 18 º / 20 º at 06:00 and 31 º / 33 º at 15:00.

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Tarara (4) DAILY

4 - Villa Tarara - A BIT OF HISTORY
Cuba Island of Gran Antilla was called by the Iberians, as the largest in the Caribbean. And, from copper mines, discovered in the territory, the English crown, took the natives for the extraction of mineral subsequently was used for the manufacture of pieces of artillery for defense. From the Villa Tarara, then called Village Tarara (our home for 19 days), and from their surroundings, leaving ships and cargo, in the sixteenth century to Spain. The name of Tarara, arises when the English military detachments caring boarding operations, played the trumpet to call the Indians and begin work. There was the ta-ra-ra of the trumpet, that the natives, later adopted the name for that zone, coastal. To date, Tarara beach is called Playa del Cobre and Copper Avenue waterfront promenade. Closer in time in the nineteenth century, the descendants of Indians and mestizos called mambises English, Tarara and nearby villages participated actively in the struggle for the independence of Cuba against the English.
On August 3, 1912, and in the twentieth century, is created in the society The Tarará Land Company, originally composed of three members of North American origin living in Cuba. Its first president was Mr Royal S. Webster said the company intended to use Tarará with a social, industrial, commercial and residential. Over the years, the beauty of the place, made the society were inclined to tourism, as paramount. In 1927, he created the Yacht Club for recreational and built some bungalows. Begins a period marked by real estate speculation, followed in time of financial speculation. In 1943 the land offered for sale, new partners are made and built 525 houses, forming a private residential area for the enjoyment of small and middle bourgeoisie. Still built at the mouth of the river, also known as Tarara, a spring according to the American novelist Ernest Hemingway, was the safest of Havana.
novelist used to come up there for drinks and admire the changing colors of the sea. Today only remains in place, the skeleton, pier and near, have installed a water sports center and a pier (sea) from where the captain Carlos Muñoz, European tourists out walking, Coral reefs in the vicinity.
exists in the local museum, erected in memory of the martyrs of Tarara. A bloody event occurred on January 8th 1992. Indeed, at night the 33 th anniversary of the entry of Fidel Castro in Havana in 1959. The news spread throughout the world for "North blondes", and repeated ad nauseum, so Uruguayan media, spoke of shot, for having attempted to steal a boat to flee the island. Barely concealed frustration that the robbers attacked by surprise guards Marina Tarara. They tied them up, after beating them with a pipe of proportion, and ultimately shot and killed machine gun, still tied
.. On the occasion, were shot 4 guards. One of them, Rolando Pérez Quintosa, survived several months in the hospital and was able to identify one of the attackers, who finally managed to escape. Of the others, one that already had a history of violence resulting in death, was shot, and two others sentenced to long prison terms of 30 years, remaining in prison. In his confession, one of them told the whole plane, which included the poisoning of water which supplied the "camp" for children of Chernobyl and then flee, and be welcomed as heroes in Florida. The zeal and care, managers of the vessels, made these removed some parts of the engines of boats, without which they could not leave. In the room where the guards were killed, yet the holes are large caliber bullets, the ropes that were tied up and the iron pipe, with which they were beaten. The truth is this, and not the other is told here ....
In one of the rooms of the museum, there are some lines printed on a poster saying: "MURDER IS DISGUSTING ... KILL UNARMED MEN AND TIE IS monstrous, and DA IDEA OF WHAT YOU CAN EXPECT OUR PEOPLE counterrevolution OF THE REACTION and imperialism. " It is signed by Fidel ...
For many years, the Yankees lie, in their quest for world domination, or twist things to make the world as they want. Fortunately, recent evidence shows that the rule of "the blond of the North"-yet-is coming down ... is over, as were finished in time for ... other empires.