Sunday, March 20, 2011

Aminexil Ampoules In Canada

S. Benito Abad. (St. Benedict's Winter)

S. Benito Abad.

past March 21.

currently fiesta is still held
S. Benito
those holy shrines,

its main festival is celebrated.
This Miñor Tierra del Valle,
in ¨
held a great feast in his honor,
with large numbers faithful.
-San Benito Abad, of Nursia. Patron of Europe, the patriarch of Western monks, 480-547. What little is known about the life of this saint is via San Gregorio, who outlines a series of key scenes miracle of life. Born in the ancient little town of Sabino in Norcia, around the year 480 AD and is considered the patriarch of Western monasticism, it was his top legislator, reformer and unifier. It was sent by his parents to Rome, but fearing perverted to bad examples of his schoolmates, he withdrew into solitude Enfìde first, country of Sabina, and then to the nearby Subiaco where a monk, called Romano,
I wore a religious habit.
monks Vicovaro, the death of his abbot, he was invited to assume the leadership of their community. This community did not follow the holy monastic discipline, and he soon returned to Subiaco to begin the great work for which God had prepared him for his years of solitude. Twelve small monasteries built over time, were destroyed, all but one, the present monastery of St. Scholastica. In Subiaco began drafting its rule in Vulgar Latin, according to the spiritual and material needs of the laity who wanted to devote himself to asceticism in his direction.
Benito was installed on the mountain that dominates the plain of the valley of the Liri, destroyed the altars of false gods, sacred forests cut down small and devoted himself assiduously to preaching for the conversion of peasants who were still pagans. Soon the fame of holiness and virtue of St. Benedict and his followers became famous in the monastery, so that the saint received significant donations from Tertullian and Gesulfo patrician. People constantly came to the mountain to ask the caster help and protection of religious for advice the saint's powerful temple to ask the prophet wise teachings.
disciplinary rule of the inner and outer life without contrasts dominated monastic community until the twelfth century. This rule proposes to religious life plan based on the prayers and work stability, the conversion of bad habits and obedience under the patriarchal leadership of the abbot. About forty days after St. Benedict saw the soul of his sister Scholastica fly to the sky in the form of a pure white dove, informed some of his disciples on the day of his death. Six days before they were asked to dig his grave. On 21 March, with a violent fever, he wanted to bring him to the oratory. After receiving the Eucharist, praying standing up, gave his spirit to God's arms his disciples. His body was buried next to his sister in the tomb he had prepared under the altar of San Juan Bautista.
San Benito was repeatedly tempted by the devil and always emerged victorious. Urged to cross himself with the cross the heart to be freed from the evil suggestions.
With this sign of salvation, San Benito got rid of the poison that some monks, who did not like the disciplinary rules of the saint, he was offered a glass beaker containing the deadly drink. Benedict raised his hand, traced the sign of the cross, and the vase shattered, as if instead of a blessing would have thrown a rock. In this episode, as the story of San Gregorio, for his love of Santa Cruz and inspired blessing that you used in your words to bless, to be the fame of protection and exorcism of the Crucifix of San Benito.
St. Benedict, abbot.
in Montecasino, death of St. Benedict, abbot,
whose memory is celebrated on July 11 (547)

Basilica of S. Montecasino Benito

Montecasino Abbey
ancient monastery Recorded

The monastery of Monte Cassino was founded in 529 by the monk Benedict of Nursia. He, as well as famous abbey founded, is the founder of a new religious order, the Benedictines. To this end, the 73 chapters drafted to govern the lives of its members, which can be summarized under the phrase "ora et labora" (pray and work) is, without doubt, the complete guide to the organization and government monks who applied after all medieval monasticism. But, this monograph is not to talk about this character, but the turbulent history of the monastery, one of the largest in Western Europe, where over 1500 years has been destroyed four times. The latter, without going any further, occurred during the last world war in 1944. Before he founded the monastery, Benedict of Nursia had already established communities at Subiaco
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