Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Bloons Pack 3 Level 48

"I stole a lot of women the beauty of motherhood"

found a new magazine that I recommend:
From her I liked this article
that I transcribe it as interesting.
must discover the game
the heartless and soulless,
do not believe in the child's life
in the maternal womb, pregnancy.
make real, which,
"The womb is the place of more
risk to the life of man, more than leprosy. "
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"I stole a lot of women
the beauty of motherhood"
After witnessing an abortion guided by ultrasound, Abby Johnson knew that his career policy in the leading organization in the U.S. to perform abortions, Planned Parenthood, was "a lie", and turned to reveal the pitfalls of this industry.
By Isabel Molina E. Photo:
courtesy of Abby Johnson and Ignatius Press
has become the headache of Planned Parenthood.
Unplanned In his book-NoPlanificada-(Ignatius Press, 2011, USA), reveals the priorities abortion of this organization and semantic manipulation used. His former employers taken to court to try to silence it. However, not only won the lawsuit, but the case attracted media attention and all I got was to give a platform to tell their story.
Today Abby Johnson is part of Coalition for Life (Coalition for Life)
pro-life organization working on the other side of the fence at the same clinic she went to try different alternatives to abortion women who go there.
- You were raised in a Christian family pro-life, what led to her involvement with Planned Parenthood? - When I was in college (Texas A & M University), attended the annual fair that promotes causes of different organizations in which students can participate. I went to the board of Planned Parenthood and I found a compassionate woman with whom I felt I had much in common. She told me that this organization was to reduce the number of abortions by providing safe healthcare, affordable and quality women in distress.
only took a ten minute conversation with this woman ... After that I volunteered, I became used and eventually director of the Clinic of Bryan, Texas, for eight years.
Only at the end of that time discovered the true agenda of this organization.
- How do they hide their priorities abortion?
- Planned Parenthood claims to be an organization that cares for women and offers a quality health care safe and affordable for them. Many employees, it happened to me too, are there because they share that goal. However, there is a part that they do not advertise, most of its revenue comes from abortion, not "family planning" or other services offered. When economic difficulties, as happened when I was director of the Clinic Bryan, increase the number of abortions to increase their income. I always thought I was doing the best for women, but then I realized that Planned Parenthood

robs these women the gift of motherhood,
and before an abortion is no way to turn back. It is a tragedy ... but they have all very nice.
- What do you do to increase their share of abortions?
- Planned Parenthood is a business, and this means that employees are often forced to recommend abortion to women facing an unplanned pregnancy. Although I worry about women who come to their clinics as well as pro-life people who are on the other side of your bars, do not always have the option to really help. Often forced to suggest an abortion.
"His life changed after working in an abortion ... What what happened?
"At first, when I asked for help I thought it would be a great learning experience, because during all my years encouraging women to abort, had never witnessed an abortion. The initiation of proceedings was familiar. He knew how to hold the ultrasound probe, but as soon as the probe allowed to see the baby, my heart sank. I saw the perfectly formed body of a baby of 13 weeks, as he had seen my daughter Grace on ultrasound. I wanted to wake up to women, show that the mother of a beautiful, perfect baby, but it was too late. While performing my heart that abortion was no longer the same ...
- What changed in your heart?
-I knew did not want to be part of an abortion, and I realized I did not want to be part of an organization that provides abortions. I realized that the organization they had built my career was a lie, that I had lied and stolen the beauty of motherhood many women, even knowing what is being a mother. My heart changed in unexpected ways. I realized that since the concept was well established as a baby to live, not a "fabric" or a "fetus does not feel." In this room abortions, though I did not know at the time-born desire to defend my life, like that baby, every day of my life.
- Do you think that if more mothers could see their babies on an ultrasound choose not to abort?
"Yes. One of the most common questions that I did during the counseling women was: "My baby will feel anything during the abortion?" Planned Parenthood taught me that "no, the baby does not feel anything." They ask because they care about your baby and want to ensure that this "medical procedure" will not harm the life growing within them. I know that if these women had known that your baby feel abortion, would suffer pain and feel attacked, many would not have aborted.
- How did your personal mission after the turn gave his life?
"My mission used to be helping women and believed that abortion was a necessary procedure in certain situations. After witnessing that abortion understood that there is always a better option than abortion. My goal today is to denounce the reality of abortion and educate women, men and future generations about life in the womb and the options available to a braced unplanned.
"You talk a lot of work with" women in crisis "with an unplanned pregnancy, but who takes care of the" fathers in crisis?
"Organizations such as 40 Days for Life (40 Days for Life), addressing the role of the father in an unplanned pregnancy . Unfortunately our culture is guided by the motto "it's my body, I I choose ", however, men can play a decisive role in preventing abortion. Many times they feel they have no voice or vote as they do not take the child in her womb ... My advice is to go to organizations such as 40 Days for Life to encourage them to use their voice.
"Her husband never shared his views on abortion, but he loved her unconditionally ...
-Doug was my rock during my years at Planned Parenthood. God gave a wonderful gift: the patience and love beyond understanding. He challenged me in the most loving, confident that at last I would see things differently during the pregnancy of our daughter Grace.
- How do you react to his former colleagues to read your book?
"Sure some people produce a great shock, because I never imagined that I, as director of a Planned Parenthood clinic, often disagreed with what I had to do. I will never know the reactions of each one, but I want them to seek truth, and that truth see the release of the abortion industry, as I freed myself.
"In his book mentions that many of them feel trapped, but they think that someone has to do their job. What I would say today if he could talk to them?
"I've had many discussions of these since I left of Planned Parenthood. I tell them that there are loving arms who are willing to help them find another job to support them as they find, and walk beside him, they are not alone. I tell them the support that I received when I retired and weight so great that I took away from him. Each of them can receive the same support I had.
"And if we go the other side of the fence, what would you recommend to people who work for life so that their work touches hearts and minds?
"The only way to captivate the minds and hearts is to reveal the truth about abortion and options to an unplanned pregnancy loving and calm, and do it in prayer. During my years at Planned Parenthood, always admired the efforts of pro-lifers who stood on the other side of our bars. He knew that like me, wanted to help those entering the clinic. Thanks to them I knew where to go when I decided to leave the abortion industry .
"During the years in his book, you and your husband took part in Sunday services of various Christian churches, seeking a faith community . Have they been found?
"Yes. A year ago my husband and I became a Catholic. When I left Planned Parenthood, we were welcomed into the loving arms of the pro-life community. Most of them are Catholic and I was invited to give talks and participate in parish activities. Gradually, I grew in love for the liturgy of the Catholic Church, for their methods and teachings .
-Wake up in the morning, what God asks?
"I pray that my country is valued and loved life, I pray for the healing of men and women suffering from emotional disorders, past abortions, and pray for all people involved in the abortion industry or are thinking of abortion, to seek and listen to the truth that can show pro-life activists on the other side of the fence. The prayer will end with abortion. My last request is that abortion is over and that everyone respects the most sacred creation of God: life.

CROSS GATE Abby Johnson in his book why he thought the fetus was not a person entitled to life, even she underwent two abortions of babies conceived with her first husband and kept in secret, and why Everything changed the day he had to attend an abortion ... It so happened that the abortion doctor used a procedure that is often avoided in Planned Parenthood facilities to save time, had an abortion assisted by ultrasound. A week later, but was distressed to give up their salary without having a new job, he decided to cross the fence and join the pro-life cause that for years was regarded with suspicion. Abby now works projects of the campaign 40 Days for Life, days of prayer that is performed in front of abortion clinics. One of those campaigns was under way outside his clinic when she left office.
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I hope it was good information. Strip.


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