Friday, March 18, 2011

Rose Garden Floor Seating Chart

St. Joseph, most chaste spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Jesus called "Father"

father and husband, Patron of the Church Universal,
of workers
of numerous religious communities
A San Jose God entrusted
the immense responsibility
and privilege of being the husband of the Virgin Mary
and custodian of the Sagrada Familia.
is why the close this holy
of Jesus and the Blessed. Virgin Mary.
our Lord was called
"son of Joseph"
(John 1:45, 6:42, Luke 4:22)
the carpenter (Matthew 12:55)
was not Jesus' natural father (who was conceived in the virginal womb of the Blessed. Virgin Mary by the Holy Spirit and the Son of God), but Joseph was adopted and Jesus submitted to him as a good son to his father. José influenced much on human development of the baby Jesus! What a perfect marriage existed in their exemplary married Mary
San Jose is called the "Holy of silence" not aware of remarks made by him, only know their work, their acts of faith, love and protection as a parent responsible for the welfare of his beloved wife and son exceptional. Joseph was "holy" even before the wedding. A "chosen" of God. From the beginning received the grace to discern the Lord's commands.
The main sources of information about life in San Jose are the first chapters of Matthew and Luke. They are both the only reliable sources to be part of Revelation.
San Mateo (1:16) calls St. Joseph the son of Jacob, according to Luke (3:23), his father was Heli. Probably born in Bethlehem, the city of David which was a descendant. But at the beginning of the Gospel story (just before the Annunciation), St. Joseph lived in Nazareth.

According to St. Matthew 13:55 and Mark 6:3,
San Jose was a "tekton."
The word means in particular who was a carpenter. St. Justin is confirmed (Dial. cum Tryph., Lxxxviii, in PG, VI, 688), and tradition has accepted this interpretation.
S. Joseph, The Carpenter
If the marriage of San Jose with the STMA. Virgin occurred before or after the Incarnation is still discussed by the exegetes. Most commentators, following St. Thomas, saying that at the Annunciation, the Virgin Mary was only betrothed to Joseph. St. Thomas observes that this interpretation best fits the biblical data.
beards, S. José
make him look more
Men usually married very young
and San Jose would have perhaps 18 to 20 years old when he married Mary.
was just a young, chaste, honest,
example to us all. Marriage of S. Joseph with Mary the Virgin
apocryphal literature (especially the
"Gospel of James", the "Pseudo Matthew"
and "Gospel of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary",
"History St. Joseph the Carpenter ",
and" Life of the Virgin and Death of San José)
provides many details,
these books are not in the canon of the Holy Scriptures and are not reliable.
virginal love
Some Apocrypha San Jose have
was a widower aged ninety
when she married the Blessed.
Virgin Mary who would have between 12 to 14 years.
not valid
calls "dreams."
have given rise to many artistic performances. The reason of seeking a San Jose as old perhaps responds to the difficulty of a relationship between two young virginal spouses. This difficulty reflects the nature fall
but is overcome by the grace of God.
Both received extraordinary graces
to which they always knew applicable.
esposal In the relationship of St. Joseph and the Virgin Mary is an example to every marriage.
teaches us that the basis of conjugal union is in the communion of hearts in God's love. For husbands, the union of bodies must be an expression
of that love and therefore a gift from God.
San Jose and Mary, however,
remained virgins
because of its unique mission in relation to Jesus.
Virginity, as a total gift to God,
is never a lack
opens the door to communicate God's love
in the most pure and sublime .
God always those pure hearts and together they shared the fruits of love they received from God.
. Detail from the Altarpiece of Torreciudad
The marriage was genuine,
but at the same time, according to St. Augustine and others, the couple intended to stay in the virgin state. (Cf.St. Aug., "De cons. Evang.", II, i in PL XXXIV, 1071-72, "Cont Julian.", V, xii, 45 in PL. XLIV, 810, St. Thomas, III: 28, III: 29:2).
by the Holy Ghost.
(Matt. 1:19-20, 24)
Soon the faith of St. Joseph was proven
with the mysterious pregnancy of Mary.
Not knowing the mystery of the Incarnation and unwilling to expose it to rejection and possible stoning sentence, thought to retire when the angel of the Lord appeared in a dream:
(Matt. 1:19-20, 24) .
A few months later, it was time for S. From Joseph and Mary to Bethlehem To sponsor according to the decree of Caesar Augustus.
This came in a very difficult time because she was pregnant. (Cf. Luke 2:1-7).
Jesus born in Bethlehem In Bethlehem had to suffer with Virgin lack of shelter until you have to take refuge in stable. Thus was born the son of the Virgin. He attended the two as if the real father. What would your state of admiration for the arrival of the shepherds, angels, and later the Eastern magicians.
Regarding the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple,
St. Luke
"His father and mother marveled
of what was said about him."
(Luke 2:33).
Adoration of the Magi
In Bethlehem had to suffer with the After the visit of the Magi, Herod the tyrant, envious and obsessed with his power, he wanted to kill the child. San Jose heard God's message conveyed by an Angel:
"Arise, take the child and his mother and flee into Egypt, and remain there till I tell you. For Herod will seek the child to kill him. "
Matthew 2:13. Saint Joseph obeyed and took responsibility for the family God had entrusted to him.
San Jose had to live a few years with the Virgin and Child in exile in Egypt.
This represented a very great difficulties: the Holy Family, being foreign, not speaking the language, had no support from family or friends, they would be victims of prejudice, difficulties in finding employment and the consequent poverty. San Jose took it all for love without demanding anything.
Once again through the angel of the Lord, learned of the death of Herod, "" Rise, take the child and his mother, and stand in way of the land of Israel have died since those seeking life the child. "He stood up, took the child and his mother, and entered the land of Israel. But when he heard that Archelaus reigned in Judea in place of his father Herod, he was afraid to go there, and warned in a dream, he withdrew to the region of Galilee. " Matthew 2:22.
Since then the only event we know San Jose is related to the "loss" of Jesus to the return of the annual pilgrimage to Jerusalem (cf. Lk 2, 42 -51). St. Joseph and the Virgin he was wanted for three agonizing days to find in the Temple. God willed that this holy man gave us an example of humility in the hidden life of his holy family and his carpentry shop.
In Nazareth, the carpenter
Most likely is that San Jose has died before the commencement of the public life of Jesus and that was not present at the wedding at Cana or talk over him. To be alive, San Jose had been no doubt at the foot of the Cross with Mary.
Delivery of Jesus that is his mother to San Juan also given to understand that since San Jose was dead.
S. Joseph.
Devotion to St. Joseph is based on this man "just" was chosen by God to be the husband of Mary and act as the father of Jesus on earth. During the first centuries of the Church's worship is directed primarily to the martyrs. little may be venerated San Jose to emphasize
divine paternity of Jesus.
S. Joseph and Child Jesus
But and all the Fathers (St. Augustine, St. Jerome and St. John Chrysostom, etc.), and tell us about San Jose. According to St. Callistus, this devotion began in the East where there since the fourth century, relates that the great basilica built in Bethlehem by St. Helena was a beautiful chapel dedicated to our saint.
San Pedro S. Crisologo says Joseph
"Joseph was a perfect man, who has all kinds of virtues" The name of Joseph in Hebrew means "growing." And so they developed the character of Joseph, grew "from virtue to virtue" to reach a lofty holiness.
In the West, references to (Nutritor Domini) San Jose appear in the local martyrologies ninth century and appears in Bologna 1129 the first church dedicated to him. Some saints of the twelfth century began to popularize the devotion to St. Joseph highlighted including St. Bernard, St. Thomas Aquinas, Saint Gertrudiz and St. Bridget of Sweden. According to Benedict XIV (De Serv. Dei beatified., I, iv, n. 11, xx, n. 17), "The general opinion of connoisseurs is that
the Fathers of Caramel were the first
to import from East to West
the laudable practice of offering
; full devotion to San Jose.
San Bernardino of Siena says
. " .. being Mary dispenser of grace that God gives to men, how much abundance is not believing that her rich husband to San Jose, who both loved and was beloved respectively? "And so, Joseph grew in virtue and love for his wife and son, who was carrying in her arms at the beginning, then taught his craft
and who lived for thirty years.
The Franciscans were the first to have the wedding feast of the Virgin and San Jose. Santa Teresa had a great devotion to St. Joseph and the root in the putting Carmelite reform in 1621 as an employer, and in 1689 were allowed to celebrate the feast of his Patronage on the third Sunday of Easter. This party eventually spread throughout the English kingdom. The devotion to San Jose roots among the workers during the nineteenth century.
The growing popularity moved to Pius IX, himself a great devotee, to extend to the universal Church the feast of the Patronage (1847) and in December 1870 declared the Holy Patriarch, patron of the Church Catholic. San Leo XIII and Pius X were also devotees of San Jose. This last approved in 1909 a litany in honor of San Jose.
Santa Teresa de Jesus says:
"I made by counsel and the glorious Lord San Jose. "
Isabel de la Cruz, a Carmelite nun,
comments on Santa Teresa:
"was particularly devoted to St. Joseph
and I have heard many times appeared
and walked beside him. " " I do not remember until now begged him something which has left undone. It's something that scares me the great favors which God has done through this blessed saint ... I never knew who he really is devoted to not see more under utilized because it takes a great deal to the souls that He entrusted ... Just ask for God's sake try it believes and who does not see by experience the great good that is entrusted to this glorious patriarch and devotion have him ... "-St. Teresa.
In the fifteenth century, deserves special mention as devotees of the holy San José Vicente Ferrer (d. 1419), Pedro d `Ailli (d. 1420), Bernardino of Siena ( m. 1444) and Jehan Gerson (d. 1429). Finally, during the pontificate of Sixtus IV (1471-84), San Jose was introduced in the Roman calendar March 19. Since then, his devotion has continued to grow in popularity. Gregory XV in 1621 amounted to a holiday of obligation. Benedict XIII introduced to San Jose in the Litany of the Saints in 1726.
St. Alphonsus Liguori makes us think:
"What is also not to believe Joseph would increase the sanctity of the family deal he had with Jesus Christ in time
you lived together? "
Joseph during those thirty years was the best friend, coworker with whom Jesus talked and prayed. Joseph listened to the words of Eternal Life of Jesus, watched his perfect example of humility, patience, and obedience, always accepted Jesus' serviceable aid in daily chores and responsibilities. For all this, we can not doubt that while Joseph lived in the company of Jesus, grew in both merit and sanctification that led all the saints.
Prayers to San Jose,
to ask for protection.
San Jose, chosen by God to be on this earth
the chaste husband of Mary and father of Jesus, intercede for us that we turn to you. You who were the faithful guardian of the Holy Family,
bless and protect families in this world.
You, you were master of industry,
intercede on behalf of all those who work.
You, who many times were you in your life evidence,
helps those who suffer.
San José, patron of workers.
(Prayer of Pope John XXIII)
Oh Joseph, you who suffered the weight of fatigue
and fatigue to ensure the livelihood
of Jesus and Mary, protect our work,
; away all danger, do not let
that we lack the means to feed dignity
the family. It relieves the anxiety of the unemployed
and anxiety of immigrants

beam in respect of the rights
and the dignity of work,
may imitate your example in our lives
the hidden designs God has reserved.
Bibliography: Souvay, Charles L., Saint Joseph, Catholic Encyclopedia, Encyclopedia Press, Inc. 1913.
did not fit in mine,
because the characteristics of my
are poorer,
I had to change and adapt

to my circumstances,
hope you enjoy it,
and follow
doing much good. San Jose
That protects us all.


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